Good Layouts and Backgrounds
I was born in West Philly, Pa. Left there in my thirties. Is this my final stop? I seriously doubt it. The Washington D.C. area is expensive. Other than that I'm warm and cuddly and I play well with others.
I have no kids... I ate them. I was in a bad mood one day and sprinkled the little suckers on top of my spaghetti. No really I love kids, especially with Hot Sauce!
My doctor told me to quit cigars, but he did allow me a drink a day. Of course I don't drink a drink a day. I'm more of a social Drinker if anything. I live in Maryland. Here we eat Crabs with lots of Ol Bay. Washing crabs down with beer aint really drinkin'. Least not 'round here.
I usually save all my drinkin points for vacationing on a beach somewhere. It usually gets quite hot there and your drinks should have little umbrellas to protect the ice from sun burn.
No, I'm not sick. My doctor just wants me miserable when I come in for my checkups.
Photos By: Arthur Williams Photography
Love to travel and have been all around the Caribbean and now would like to go abroad. Of course I'm not interested in visiting any place where things go BOOM! Not my idea of Club Med. I prefer white sand, blue water, and women in two piece, or topless swimsuits that smile and say Hi!
Wanna know my idea of vacation?
Photos By: Arthur Williams Photography
The Yuppy Puppy
Discount Pet Shoppe
DOGS Only !!!