/Users/juddiek/Desktop/justins-finished-piece.jpgMy interests are getting money... Starting my career, Living life to da fullest but always safe & healthy and also "DOING IT ON MY OWN" But most of all my Man.
Who I wanted to meet..... Ive already met and i couldn't be happier . I guess It's true when you find real love you just know it, and i found him...This is not pay back or flaunting my goods. I'm just happy and i hope it stays that way forever (i love you romero u mean more than the world to me, and the love keeps growing. The Ring Is beautiful Now I know when you do more then tell sumone you love them, You get it back in rerturn.For those who only talked &never proved.~FLOWERS FOR THE DEAD~R.I.P 2 Mook & My Dearest Uncle Johnny I know people always say when it's your time to go u go, but I know it wasn't ur time. There must have been a glitch in the system. As for those who MUDER. Taking away a life isn't an accomplishment, it's a tregedy. And my heart goes out to every1 who has lost a loved 1 this year. JUSTICE needs to be served. Just remember that god doesn't like ugly and if ur life is hard now , wait till after death. No bad deed goes without punishment. I pray for u MOOK........ "Everybody wan't what they can't have!" Trust No-1....... "Keep your friends close & ur enemies even closer." In your case papi he wasnt close enough.Uncle Johnny-I love you and every night all i hear in my head is U telln me "u can't miss something u nevr had". But y does it hurt so much that ur gone... U know what im talking about. Wish we had more time together & im sorry that i didn't go see when i was in florida... U begged me and all i did was tell u NO! i couldn't. Boy ! i wish i could turn back the hands of time. Even though i went though sumthing tragic i know u would of been the perfect person to make things better. IM SOORY I DIDN"T go that day and Look less then a month later you're gone. I regret it so much, but i hope ur looking down on me. Your my ANGEL......I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
Yea, I can't hide it im hooked to the Reggeton. "2 much of La Calle'. I also like my Jay-z, Biggy, MaryJ and Mariah. I like Sum pop, Sum rock, LOVE SALSA, and everything else is AIGHT.
F Fuzzy
L Lucky
A Amorous
C Courageous
A Altruistic
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Name Acronym Generator
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R Relaxing
O Organic
M Misunderstood
E Excellent
R Refreshing
O Orderly
Name / Username:
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com