*Flaca* I don't play games, I play my part* profile picture

*Flaca* I don't play games, I play my part*


About Me

~ . . ~~FLOWERS FOR THE DEAD~~R.I.P TO MY COUSIN "JUSTIN" YOU WERE ONE OF THE GREAT ONES AND IT'S SAD DAYS ON EARTH NOW THAT YOUR GONE. THE ONLY CONSULATION IS THAT YOUR IN HEAVEN. WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH. I HOPE THE TRUTH COMES OUT MAYBE THEN YOU WILL BE SET FREE. LET US KNOW JUSTIN "WHAT HAPPENED" IT'S SAD BECAUSE THE ONLY MEMORIES I HAVE OF YOU ARE THE OLD DAYS WHEN WE USED TO RUN AOUND TIA MIMIS OR WHEN WE WERE GETTING YELLED AT BY TIA CITA. I'M SORRY WE DIDN'T GET TO KNOW EACHOTHER BETTER, BUT YOU'RE STILL MY BLOOD AND I DON'T LOVE YOU ANY LESS. YOUR AN ANGEL AND PLEASE WATCH OVER THE FAMILY, BRING US TOGETHER. SO THERE IS NO MORE REGRETS. I LOVE YOU JUSTIN YOU WILL BE MISSED DEARLY. 12~24~06I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4~Yet again I have so many fans who want to be me, take my name, dress like me, and even take whats mine. But the best form of flatery is Immitation and I really do appreciate it. lol (Just Remember RicanS Don't Play) So fall back.Whats mine will always be mine NO MATTER WHAT!~Well to start off I'm a young latina tryin to make that paper. I just graduated from college.I have my A.S in Fashion Design, and I'm currently working full time as an Associate Designer at a great design company, in Manhattan . I also have a little part-time thing going it's kool. Anyway, Imma down to earth lady. I love to have fun party every once in a while , drink occasionally and don't do the smoking thing. My favorite things to do is play pool, chill at lounges, bowlin, movie night at da crib and basically stayin home. Atleast i know I'm safe there. love layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com MyHotComments
HotFreeLayouts1)Why is it that we all want what we cant have? 2)Why is it that we all yearn for love & attention? and when we finally get it we let it go. 3)Why do we always chase a challenge, we know we can't beat? 4)Why is it that women always fall for the wrong men? 5)Is there really a Mr. Right? Or are we just looking in in the wrong places. 6)Can a fantasy be considered a lie? 7)Why is that everything we love we loose? 8)Why do people use the words I Love You when they don't mean it? 9)Why are women always in competition with eachother? 10)Why do people take advantage when you give them ur all? 11)Why do we love those who dont love us? 12)Why can't we let go of the people who hurt us the most? 13)Why are promises made to be proken? 14)Why do us women always try to teach and old dogg new tricks? 15)Do we really think he is going to change for us? 16)Why does the truth hurt so bad? 17)What does it mean when people say "we are just friends" and yet they still want the affection of a lover? 18)Did we pass by love because is wasn't 100%? 19)Do we expect to much from men who can only give so little? 20)Why is "AMOR DE LEJOS, AMOR DE PENDEJOS"? 21)Why is fallin in love so easy and falling out so hard?Everyday, these questions run through my mind and i cant seem to find any answers. Every time i run into love, love runs into sumone else. Am i just the girl that guides the right man into another womens arms? Some might say i should stop looking, but i know i haven't looked far enough. Some might also say that i'm looking in the wrong places. Please tell me Where the hell do u find love? In the Supermarket, LIbrary, Internet, Come on, there is no wrong place, lets be real. If anyone out there kows the answers to these questions please send me a note enlighten me.

My Interests

/Users/juddiek/Desktop/justins-finished-piece.jpgMy interests are getting money... Starting my career, Living life to da fullest but always safe & healthy and also "DOING IT ON MY OWN" But most of all my Man.

I'd like to meet:

Who I wanted to meet..... Ive already met and i couldn't be happier . I guess It's true when you find real love you just know it, and i found him...This is not pay back or flaunting my goods. I'm just happy and i hope it stays that way forever (i love you romero u mean more than the world to me, and the love keeps growing. The Ring Is beautiful Now I know when you do more then tell sumone you love them, You get it back in rerturn.For those who only talked &never proved.~FLOWERS FOR THE DEAD~R.I.P 2 Mook & My Dearest Uncle Johnny I know people always say when it's your time to go u go, but I know it wasn't ur time. There must have been a glitch in the system. As for those who MUDER. Taking away a life isn't an accomplishment, it's a tregedy. And my heart goes out to every1 who has lost a loved 1 this year. JUSTICE needs to be served. Just remember that god doesn't like ugly and if ur life is hard now , wait till after death. No bad deed goes without punishment. I pray for u MOOK........ "Everybody wan't what they can't have!" Trust No-1....... "Keep your friends close & ur enemies even closer." In your case papi he wasnt close enough.Uncle Johnny-I love you and every night all i hear in my head is U telln me "u can't miss something u nevr had". But y does it hurt so much that ur gone... U know what im talking about. Wish we had more time together & im sorry that i didn't go see when i was in florida... U begged me and all i did was tell u NO! i couldn't. Boy ! i wish i could turn back the hands of time. Even though i went though sumthing tragic i know u would of been the perfect person to make things better. IM SOORY I DIDN"T go that day and Look less then a month later you're gone. I regret it so much, but i hope ur looking down on me. Your my ANGEL......I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4


Yea, I can't hide it im hooked to the Reggeton. "2 much of La Calle'. I also like my Jay-z, Biggy, MaryJ and Mariah. I like Sum pop, Sum rock, LOVE SALSA, and everything else is AIGHT.


F Fuzzy
L Lucky
A Amorous
C Courageous
A Altruistic
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
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R Relaxing
O Organic
M Misunderstood
E Excellent
R Refreshing
O Orderly

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com