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I am here for Friends

About Me

What will we do now the Iowa caucus is over? I suppose we'll keep on keeping on in our Iowa way. Still in Iowa with the husband and three kids and doing just fine playing music and cleaning up. It's a good life.

My Interests

Checking books out from our local library is always a good time.


David Gray, Amos Lee, Innocense Mission, Kanye West, JAy-Z, Outkast, Darrell Scott, CSNY, Ludacris, Wilco, Dolly Parton, Gronemeyer


Guffman, Safemen, Rushmore, Steve Zizzou, Spinal Tap, Old School, Pride and Prejudice


OK, so we got rid of our television just after Christmas and I don't watch anything anymore. I miss television a great deal.


Cien anos de soledad, Pride and Prejudice, City of Glass


Christopher Guest