About Me
Name shermiqua
Nickname miqua
Birthday 10/16/90
Age 16
Height 4'8
Hair Color dark brown
Eye Color dark brown
Have You Ever
Fallen for your besfriend no
Kissed someone who was just your friend no
Been rejected no
Been in love yea
Used someone yea
Cheated on someone no
Been cheated on no
Done something you regret no
Do you ...
Color your hair no
Have tattos yea
If so how many 1
Have any peircings yea
If so how many 1
Have a bf/gf yea
Like thunderstorms YEA
Ever get off the damn computer yea
Have you/Do you have...
Considered a life of crime no
Considered being a hooker no
Coneidered being a pimp no
Split personalities yea
Obsessions yea
Panic yea
Anxiety yea
Depression/Considered suicid
Right now..
Current clothes pjs
Current mood good
Current hair weeve
Current music boosie
Current annoyance my best friend
Current perfume/cologne
Current thing you should be doing getting dress
Current crush d boy
Drink vault
Color lavender
Candy snicker
Tv Show making the band
Movie a cinderrela story
Place home
Person to talk to god,bff
Do your perfer..
McDonalds or Burger King mcdonalds[those apple pies be bangin]
Marry the Perfect Lover or the perfect friend both
Root Beer or Dr Pepper dr.pepper
Sunshine or Rain sunshine
Spring or Fall spring
Winter or Summer winter
Vanilla or Chocolate chocolate
Snowboarding or Sking neither i live in fl get real
Lights on or Off
What Makes You.. by SheBangs12
Your name?
Your gender?
What makes you sexy? Your hips
What makes you pretty? Your style
What makes you loveable? How fun you are
What makes you fun? Your sense of humor
What makes you irresistable? Your kiss
What makes you cute? How you laugh
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