The Pedestrians Pets are a one-man band from Copenhagen, now in Aarhus. The main inspiration is love, personal experiences and daily observations and emotions. For people having danish language skills, check out these 2 pages for more music and info:
The Pedestrians Pets
or check out
my own homepage
or check out some newer songs on
What others wrote - Friday the 25th of August :
"It's not often that anything goes from my inbox straight to the page, but this one will... The Pedestrians Pets is a one man (who generally goes by the name of Nis Pedersen) band from Copenhagen and is enchanting in a very Stephen Merritt/ Lou Barlow kinda way.
Anyone who lists their influences as My record collection (probably not updated for a while) on their Myspace is definitely worth a look, I'd say... Decide for yourself by downloading the MP3s.
The Pedestrians Pets, then. From inbox to page in less than 3 hours.... "