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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

MySpace Layouts

I came to Myspace to hang out with friends for one thing. But...my main reason for this myspace page is to make people aware of the animal rights movement and how they, Peta, the HUSU, etc. are stealing our rights and American cultures and traditions....away...forever. Also, do you know what the NAIS and the NAFTA Super Highway is? I'll be posting blogs on these subjects soon so come back and learn what is happening in your world.I've got to work on my slideshow but this will get us started.....well....sometimes they work.

There's a difference between animal use and animal abuse. Some people think of their pets and think that all animals should be treated like our pet poodle. An example of animal abuse to me is, putting an animal in a cage and not caring for it, i.e. not feeding and watering the animal. Animal use, on the other hand, is different....some animals are bred and raised for food, research, pets, competition, performance, and so on. PeTA and the HSUS thinks and forces their beliefs on us that all animals should not exist...for no reason....how is that ethical treatment of animals?

5-2-07 You know what just pisses me off…it’s how other people, PeTA, and the HSUS, feel like they have a right to tell me what I can do with MY property. PeTA and the HSUS don’t own my animals any more than they own my truck....I DO!! Now....if they want to start helping take care of them…especially on those cold rainy days, buy feed, and making sure they are generally well cared for...then I MIGHT give them some say in what I do. But....until they want to break sweat helping to care for MY animals and pay some of my taxes they can STF up!!! The community don’t own my animals.

5-3-07 As unsavory as it might seem….we are now at a point where all animal lovers, pet owners, cock fighters, dogfighters, hog doggers, pet shops, commercial poultry, etc., etc……… must stand side by side to support each other’s right to own animals. I’m not saying we all must participate in the different animal uses….but we must at least hold the position that people have the right to own animals…and people have a right to own their property. This whole concept of animal rights has gone beyond a philosophy to an ideology. In the end the ARA will say if one animal has rights then all animals have rights. If you think you are a “superior” and “civilized” pet owner who treats their dog as good as they would their own child….let me remind you:
"Pet ownership is an absolutely abysmal situation brought about by human manipulation.”- Ingrid Newkirk.

5-4-07 Let's do this just for giggles.

5-6-07 We MUST stick together or we all will loose our rights. If I have a personal disagreement with the way a person uses their animals…that don’t mean we should create a law against it. If a person puts an animal in a cage and don’t care for….that’s one sick bastard….it’s cruel. It is not my responsibility to supervise how people use their animals…it is my responsibility to treat MY animals with respect and proper care even if I’m raising them to kill and eat.
Do you know what the NAIS (National Animal Identification System) is????
Do you know what the NAFTA Super Highway is???

My Interests

E-mail hatch38!

Compliments of 7MWildboar and

Yeah..right bitch.

PeTA admits to killing thousands of animals.

PeTA and Terrorism



THANKS to everyone who has joined my map.

The quality of the video below is very poor but I thought it was funny as hell.
Check it out.



My Dad of course....I miss Dad. My Brother Whitner...died in Vietnam in 1968. My niece Tracey...was taken by breast cancer when she was 29. My Son Alex...rocking strong today....he's the Man.

My Blog

Do you know what the NAFT Super Highway is?

Learn more about it here: http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=15497...
Posted by hatch38 on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 08:44:00 PST

Do you know what the NAIS is?

NoNAIS is my effort to spread the word of how harmful the USDA's National Animal Identification System (NAIS) is to small farmers, homesteaders, pet owners & consumers. Learn more about it here:&...
Posted by hatch38 on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 07:50:00 PST