Kirby profile picture


Go hang a salami, im a lasagna hog

About Me

I am a Christian, who believes the Bible wholeheartedly. I personally do not suscribe to any denomination, but my beliefs are mostly Baptist. I am a college student who is currently pursuing a degree in Communications. In my freetime, I enjoy pursuing that flighty temptress, adventure. I also am a mad juggler who can almost juggle three objects in one hand and do man y other tricks. Slim Jims are my favorite food in the entire history of forever. Go get me some, please. I also hate drinking water, it tastes awful. I drink tea, or soda, or chocolate milk is oh so grand! Especially, Nestle Quik! I am also a lover of Nintendo. I love to play Zelda, Mario, Metroid. I am very good a Super Smash Bros. Melee (Usually). Dr. Mario and Link are my best characters. I also love playing Soul Calibur 2. Ivy and Kilik are my best. I would beat you down with either of them. I'm hungry, go away!I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

I am interested in interesting things. So, if your a boring person, than go buy yourself a life (there fairly cheap, these days) and then we'll talk.

I'd like to meet:

Who would I like to meet? Tricky question. People, I guess. Sure... Why not? Also this guy, Chris Bliss. He is a flippin ridiculous juggler. I hope to be half as good as this dude. Observe.
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Ok,... Here goes. Listen, I don't really have a favorite band. I enjoy music just for music's sake. All these people who are so uppity on their favorite band and claims that theirs is the best and that any other type of music is stupid, just sort of annoy me. I would just be as thoroughly entertained, captivated, mesmerized, and any other adjective that belongs here, by some guy banging on a trash can just as much as a professional band. Music is music ain't it? Am I right or am I right? That's right. I thought so.


Ok, You asked for it. My all time favorite movie is........PIRATES OF THE CARRIBBEAN: CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL!!!!!!!! Why, you are asking? Well, it's a pirate's life for me. If I had a choice, I would lose my eye and leg to a tenacious aquatic creature, don an eye patch, get many unorthodox piercings, and sail the seven seas with a lot of ragtag miscreants. ArrHarHarHarHarHarHarHarHarHar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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The Left Behind Series are most definetly my favorite because this will someday come to pass. I have read all of them so far. Secondly, I would have to say Harry Potter. When Half Blood Prince was coming out, my best friend and stood in line at Super Walmart for about 3 hours in the layaway dept. waiting until Midnight. I was clad in Death Eater garb. Long Live Voldemort!!!! Death to Harry Potter!!!!!!


Jesus Christ-The King of Kings and Lord of Lords

My Blog

A Really Flippin Awesome Last Week And a Probably Incoherent Rant on Fake Christianity

WOW! It has been a really long time since I lasted posted one of dose bloggedy blog things that people like to call blogs. So here goes I been doing pretty good lately. Although, l...
Posted by Kirby on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 11:48:00 PST