Music, play it, hear it, work on it, nearly everything that deals with it. Living my life just like i want and not being led by any stupid dumpass who is to dump to run his own life. fuck leadership. my friends
A lot of interesting people, hopefully
it's hard to write down all the bands and kinds of music i listen to. Some examples: Punkrock, rock'N'roll,funk, soul, jazz, reggae, dub, drum'n'bass, hc, folk, stoner. yeah, somethin' like that.... I don't write about bands and singers i listen to cuz that couldn't express my hole musical interests. too bad. you can say i like a lot'a music....
Amelie, The Doors, Blues Brothers (not the stinkin' second part), harold&maude,meet the feebles, wild zero, city of god, the dude. a lot horror and a bit of splatter movies. many, many more they just won't come to my mind.fuck. charlie and the chocolatefactory
Simpsons, king of queens,documetations. many more which won't come to my mind right now, either
usually i don't read a lot. i like some books for children.
well, i don't know 'bout the hero-thing, but there are people who impress me a lot.