CaSsYaNdRa profile picture



About Me

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I'm a chik that luv's to have fun, listen to music and watch soppy romance movies, lol ummm I am currently at TAFE doing childcare studies and its fair full on which kinda sux cos its hard - only 14 ASSIGNMENTS due this term! ARGG gonna rip my hair out xOx, lol i luv hanging out wit my friends and going out, im not much of a shopping person unless i have lots of $$$??? i enjoy walks on the beach and playing with fred! (lol) u have ta talk to me bout it to understand who fred is hehe ;)
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*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Cassie
Date of Birth: 14/10/1989
Birthplace: Adelaide, SA
Current Location: S.A dwn sth
Eye Color: BrOwN
Hair Color: BrOwN
Height: DuNnO
Heritage: DuNnO
Piercings: 2 iN eAcH eAr
Tattoos: NuN
Band/Singer: BeYoNcE, P!nK, AlY nD aJ, HaYdEn tOo MaNy lOl
Song: aTm - In A sEcOnD - AlY nD aJ
Movie: JuSt lYk HeAvEn Nd Nd RoMaNcE sOpPy ChIk fLiCkS lOl
Disney Movie: NeMo nD MaNy MoRe
TV show: HoMe Nd AwAy :( aS sAd As It Is... Nd HeRo'S nD pRiSoN bReAk Nd GrEyS aNaToMy
Color: P!nK
Food: uMmMm LoVe sUbWaY
Pizza topping: NoT a PiZzA fAn ;p
Ice-Cream Flavor: ChOc MiNt
Drink (alcoholic): UmMmM i DuNo
Soda: PePsI mAx
Store: I lOvE TaRgEt nD diVa... nD mAnY mOrE
Clothing Brand: DnT rElE hAvE a FaV
Shoe Brand: As AbOvE ^
Season: LuV aUtUm
Month: OcToBeR - mY bDaY
Holiday/Festival: My BdAy LoL
Flower: GeRbRa'S nD fRaNjIpAnIeS
Make-Up Item: eYe LiNeR nD fOuNdAtIoN
Board game: ClUdO
This or That
Sunny or rainy: RaInY - aPaRt FrM tHe FaCt iT wReAkS mY hAiR
Chocolate or vanilla: ChOc
Fruit or veggie: FrUiT
Night or day: NiGhT
Sour or sweet: SwEeT
Love or money: LoVe
Phone or in person: iN pErSoN
Looks or personality: pErSoNaLiTy
Coffee or tea: TeA
Hot or cold: CoLd
Goal for this year: PaSs AlL mY aSsIgNmEnTs
Most missed memory: My PoP....
Best physical feature: My EyEs nD mY sMiLe...
First thought waking up: HoPe ToDaY's A gOoD dAy
Hypothetical personality disorder: DnT gEt iT lOl
Preferred type of plastic surgery: DnT eVeR wAnT iT....
Sesame street alter ego: hMmMmM//////
Fairytale alter ego: A pErFeCt pErFeCt PrInCe
Most stupid remark: StApLe a WaTeR bEd To FiX iT? dUh
Worst crime: DuNnO aTm
Greatest ambition: a GoOd cHiLdCaReR
Greatest fear: DyInG....
Darkest secret: LyK iD sAy It OvEr MySpAcE
Favorite subject: DnT hAvE oNe
Strangest received gift: hMmMmMm
Worst habit: bEiNg ToO lOuD
Do You:
Smoke: nOpE
Drink: On SpEcIaL oCcAsIoNs
Curse: nOpE - MaYbE a LiL tO mY bRo'S ;p
Shower daily: mOsTlY aT nItE
Like thunderstorms: lOvE eM
Dance in the rain: ItS fUn - CnT rElE dAnCe
Sing: LoVe tO sInG - aGaIn NoT tHe BeSt
Play an instrument: NoPe
Get along with your parents: SoMeTiMeS
Wish on stars: UsEd To - GaVe Up lol
Believe in fate: NoT sUrE
Believe in love at first sight: YeAh....
Can You:
Drive: yEp L's lOl
Sew: NuP
Cook: SoMe ThInGs
Speak another language: yEaH mY oWn
Dance: nOt ThE bEsT lOl
Sing: As AbOvE
Touch your nose with your tongue: NoPe
Whistle: YeP
Curl your tongue: YeP
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: yEs....
Been Stoned/High: NoPe
Eaten Sushi: YeS nD i HaTeD iT
Been in Love: I tHiNk i MiTe Be NoW.... ;p
Skipped school: yEaH - 'DoCtOrS aPpOiNtMeNt'
Made prank calls: YeS - fUnNy TiMeS
Sent someone a love letter: yEp lOl
Stolen something: YeP mEnToS wEn I wAs Lyk 7
Cried yourself to sleep: yEp - MaNy TiMeS
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? eAtInG wItH mOuTh OpEn
Are you right or left handed? RiGhT
What is your bedtime? WeN iM tIrEd
Name three things you can't live without: MoBiLe, Cd PlAyEr Nd ClOtHeS LoL
What is the color of your room? wHiTe - LoTs Of PiNk RoUnD lOl
Do you have any siblings? YeP - iM oNe Of 10
Do you have any pets? FiSh Nd A bIrD
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? NoPe
What is you middle name? LoUiSe
What are you nicknames? cAsSyAnDrA nD aNgEl EyEs
Are you for or against gay marriage? nO cOmMeNt
What are your thoughts on abortion? stUpId Nd MaKeS mE cRy At ThE tHoUgHt Of sUm1 DoInG iT
Do you have a crush on anyone? MaYbE....
Are you afraid of the dark? NuP - UnLeSs HoMe AlOnE
How do you want to die? PeAcEfUlLy
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? LyK 2
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? CnT sAy
What is the last law you’ve broken? DoWnLoAdEd SoNgS fRm LiMeWiRe.... ;p OoOoO
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: NaTuRaL cOlOuR
Eye color: Ne
Height TaLlEr ThAn Me
Weight DnT kNoW rElE
Most important physical feature: UmMmM hAvE tHe NoRmAl FeAtUrEs.... i DuNnO :P
Biggest turn-off Up ThEmSeLvEs
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My Interests

UmMmM i love hanging with my friends - girls nd guys! ne 1 i gt on with.... I enjoy the beach nd love gong to the movies ;p ummm not sure wat else lol :)
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LOVE usher & the PUSSYCAT DOLLS oh and Rhianna SOS, gr8 SONG luv most R&B, hip hop, and LOADS MORE ;)
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Just like heaven and the family stone, there r so cute i love LOTS of movies but if i had to name em all id be here a while OMG - Saw "Step UP" the other week - MY MOST FAV MOVIE iT is AWESUM xOxOx - u shl see it if u havent already....
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LOVE THE O.C and desperate house wives and Prison Break! Oh nd as sad as it is - im addicted to Home and Away lol ;p
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i dnt read alot actually - i find it hard to get into lol never been a reader thats 4 sureobject type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" height="220" width="220"
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PINK - LUV HER ;) nd my mum - she is my inspiration! Love her to bits - nd Krystal - i think she is gawjus even thou she dnt think so.....
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How You Are In Love
You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.

You give completely and unconditionally in relationships.

You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.

You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.

You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard. How Are You In Love?