♥ KrYsTaL ♥ profile picture

♥ KrYsTaL ♥

It'S jUsT mE.. nOtHiNg ExCiTiNg HeRe :p

About Me

hey :) my name is krystal an currently i am an assistant manager for boost juice bars but i'm trying to get out an begin working in a bank. i luv ppl but it takes time for some to give me a chance.. but i promise i'm not so bad, luv making new friends so feel free to say hi once in a while - but if i don't reply for a while don't take it personally, i hardly ever get time to come on here! dam job!don't really get out much cos my job takes up alot of my time but in what spare time i do have, i am a cheerleader for south adelaide football club. can't say much for the club but i luv being a cheerleader simply because those girls are my everything :) without them i don't know how i'd get thru each wk :) luv u all xoxo mwa!cassie you are the bestest friend i have and could ever ask for. we've been thru it all together an no one can ever make me laugh like you do. i can't wait to see our children grow up together (no guys we don't have any yet!) an be as close as we are. if everything else around me fell apart, i no i could still rely on u to get me thru it an i luv u for that. i'm so proud of who u are an for all ur working towards. an scott, ur one of my best friends and i treasure the time the 4 of us spend together, we so better get this house!!!!!!i luv my mum too :p she hasn't got much to show for her life but she's raised/raising 8 children an any one who does that deserves credit! i know most of the time u think u have failed as a mum but me an cass aren't so bad :p an we have u to thank for that. u are always these with wisdom and knowledge to guide us and no matter how far we fall ur always there to pick us up. thank you for ur unconditional love :)i also spend too much time with my bf paul, who at times definitely pushes my buttons but i wouldn't want it any other way :) he is my rock in this world an gets me thru each day looking forward to the next. we're going away to queensland in july (YAH!) for our 2 yr anniversary an he better get me the present i'm waiting for. (babe- if u want a hint, which knowing u, u'll need! - ask cassie an scott :p)i have made new friends an am trying to hold on to the old! to my boost girls, honestly i appreciate every one of u! we're not the strongest team but we get the job done, most of the time :P an meg an kayla, i luv u both to bits. i haven't laughed like i do with you both in years an that means so much to me. i luv feeling like i have true friends i can rely on :)elea, if you leave me i will never forgive u! no :p i will but i'll miss u like crazy. i hate that we never have much time together but u still mean so much to me an i'm not letting us fade apart!to everyone else, you no who u are an u no u all mean so much! without my friends i am incomplete.neways i'm getting carried away :p so yeah i am always keen to met new people and make new friends so if u wana get to know me i'm more than happy to chat!talk soon Luv krystal xoxo
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75 Random Questions:
Do you have any pets? nOpE
What color shirt are you wearing? CrEaM
Name three things that are physically close to you: mY SiStEr, mY MaGaZiNeS AnD mY pHoNe :p
What is the last book you read? nO iDeA?
Are you or were you a good student? mOsT oF tHe TiMe HeHe
What's your favorite sport? nEtBaLl To PlAy An FoOtY tO wAtCh
Do you enjoy sleeping late? Oh YeR!
What's the weather like right now? SuNnY bUt A bIt ChIlLy :p
Who tells the best jokes? ShAnE :)
What was the last thing you dreamed about? CaSsIe ;)
Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? nOpE dOn'T dRiVe, bEeN iN a CrAsH a FeW tImEs ThO!
Do you believe in karma? No BuT iT's FuNnY wHeN bAd StUfF hApPeNs To BaD pPl!
Do you believe in luck? nO
Do you like your eggs scrambled or sunny side up? SuNnY sIdE uP :p
Do you collect anything? If so, what? mAgAzInEs KiNdA
Are you proud of yourself? SoMeTiMeS
Are you reliable? UsUaLlY
Have you ever given money to a bum? nO, mOsT oF tHeM sCaRe Me...
What's your favorite food? mUm'S rOaSt ChIcKeN! yUm!!!
Have you ever had a secret admirer? WeLl It WoUlDn'T bE sEcReT iF i KnEw. WoUlD iT???
Do you like the smell of gasoline? nOpE
Do like to draw? i WoUlD iF i CoUlD...
What's your favorite invention? mObiLe PhOnE :p
Is your room messy? UsUaLlY pReTtY bAd!!!
What do you like better: oranges or apples? ApPlEs
Do you give in easily? NoPe, I'm OnE oF tHe MoSt StUbBoRn PpL u WiLl EvEr MeEt!
Are you a good guesser? sOmEtImEs..
Can you read other people's expressions? sOmE pPl's
Are you a bully? tO mY sIbLiNgS :p
Do you have a job? YeS, CoTtOn On KiDs HeHe
What time did you wake up this morning? uM lIkE 9 o'ClOcK - sO mUcH fOr My SlEeP iN!
What did you eat for breakfast this morning? A hOt ChOcOlAtE aNd A bIt Of HeAvEn ChOcOlAtE lOl
When was the last time you showered? ThIs MoRnInG
What do you plan on doing tomorrow? WoRkInG aNd ThEn GoInG gOlD cLaSs To PiRaTeS 3!!!
What's your favorite day of the week and why? wAs FrIdAy CoS mEaNt LaSt DaY oF tHe ScHoOl WeEk :p dOn'T nO nOw?
Do you have any nicknames? NoT rEaLlY :(
Have you ever been scuba diving? NoPe
What's your least favorite color? ReD
Is there someone you have been constantly thinking about? If yes, who? mY bF :)
Would you ever go skydiving? No, ToO mUcH fOr My BaCk :(
What toothpaste do you use? CoLgAtE wHiTeNiNg, WhIcH iSn'T eVeN wHiTeNiNg Me TeEtH sO dOn'T nO wHy I'm UsInG iT? HmMm...
Do you enjoy challenges? MoSt..
What's the worst injury you have had? My ApPeNdIx BuRsT, dOeS tHaT cOuNt?
What's the last movie you saw? BlAdEs Of GlOrY, sO fUnNy!!!
What do you want to know about the future? WhAt I'Ll Be DoInG?
What does your last text message say? FrOm By Bf SaYiNg hE'd Be HeRe In 10 mIns
Who was the last person you spoke over the phone to? mY dAd
What's your favorite school subject? DrAmA
What's your least favorite school subject? mAtHs
Would you rather have money or love? LoVe
What is your dream vacation? HaWaIi!!!!!!
What is your favorite animal? TiGeR - sIbErIaN :)
Do you miss anyone right now? mY fRiEnDs...
What's the last sporting event you watched? FoOtY
Do you need to do laundry? In ThE mIdDlE oF dOiNg It AcTuAlLy :p
Do you listen to the radio? WhEn I hAvE tO lOl
Where were you when 9/11 happened? At ScHoOl...
What do you do when vending machines steal your money? GeT pIsSeD oFf AnD wAlK aWaY :p
Have you ever caught a butterfly? DuNnO?
What color are your bed sheets? PiNk
What's your ringtone? MiSsY eLlIoT - wE rUn ThIs
Who was the last person to make you laugh? mY sIs, CaSsIe
Do you have any obsessions right now? nOt ReAlLy?
Do you like things that glow in the dark? sOmEtImEs
What's your favorite fruity scent? StRaWbErRiEs
Do you watch cartoons? dOeS sPoNgEbOb CoUnT?
Have you ever sat on a roof? YeR
Have you ever been to a different country? NoT yEt, BuT oNe DaY hOpEfUlLy...
Name three things in the world you dislike: WaR, PoVeRtY, AmErIcA (oK NoT tOtAlLy AmErIca...)
Name three people in the world you dislike: mY rEaL dAd And hIs PaReNtS
Has a rumor even been spread about you? YeP...
Do you like sushi? NeVeR tRiEd It
Do you believe in magic? NoPe
Do you hold grudges? YeS
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My Interests

acting, partying, netball, soccer, volleyball, the beach, hanging with friends and my boyfriend... And SHOPPING!
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I'd like to meet:


the veronicas, pink, chad michael murray, rachel bilson, rachel mcadams and scarlett johansson.. and i'm in admiration of julia roberts and sandra bullock!
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Dance, HipHop, R'n'B, Pop...... i like pink, THE VERONICAS, Kelly Clarkson, Nickelback, BEP, Frankie J, Akon, TuPac, Mandy Moore, Hilary Duff .... um i dunno heaps! more into songs than people sometimes... i am your typical teenie bopper basically :p with a few odd ones thrown in...
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STEP UP!!!! IT IS AWESOME!!! Just Like Heaven, The Family Stone, A Night at the Museum, House of Wax, A Walk To Remember, War of the Worlds, The Notebook, Hostage, Thirteen, The Longest Yard, Scary Movie series, Batman Begins, Just Friends.. too many :-P
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Desperate Housewives! OC OBSESSED!!!!!! Prison Break!!!!!! Grey's Anatomy, Will and Grace, NCIS, House, Heroes and Thank God Your Here! and Family Guy :p
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The Tomorrow series (Tomorrow before the War began, John Marsden) and (yes i know its sad) the Deltoras Quest series by Emily Rodda
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my mum! ummm, i dunno? :)
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My Blog

LiFe, aGaIn :p

well, suprisingly i am really happy :) and i haven't been able to say that for a while... i still have my bad days, but thats cos of school and family (and i keep forgetting to take my tablets ) i kno...
Posted by ♥ KrYsTaL ♥ on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 05:59:00 PST

aGaIn tHiS iS bOrInG, jUsT hAvE nO-oNe tO tAlK tO...

well i have maganged to pretty much ruin the few things left i had going for me... my bf an me broke up about a month ago and i have just started to see someone else.. i no it is so soo...
Posted by ♥ KrYsTaL ♥ on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 06:24:00 PST

nOtHiNg InTeReStInG...

well, life.. i dont know what i feel right now about it... my bf and i broke up yesterday after being together for just over a year. it had to happen, but i dont know how i feel yet and im keeping mys...
Posted by ♥ KrYsTaL ♥ on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 02:48:00 PST

jUsT sAyInG wHaTs GoInG oN rIgHt NoW, wHiCh iSn'T mUcH :p

well life isn't very exciting right now... i'm doing yr 12 which is so stressful and so much work! i also work at coles (a supermarket for those that don't no) as a checkout chick  i like my job ...
Posted by ♥ KrYsTaL ♥ on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 09:11:00 PST