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Katie Pie

Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty.

About Me

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I like to think I am pretty down to earth. I have a lot of energy and love to embrace new challenges and experiences. I am a little silly at times and love all things that make for a ridiculous and amusing story later. I like to drink coffee, and am slightly obsessed with the color pink! I am a girlie girl; I will take shoe shopping over nature in a heart beat. I like to be one of the guys sometimes and watch a game of football, (GO DUCKS) drink a beer or play some cards. I really like the idea of being outdoorsy, especially living in the NW, but just don’t partake on a regular basis. I like to go camping, and rafting, but it is kind of an event more so than a lifestyle. I like to go and play in the snow (snowboarding) in the winter time, play a good match of tennis, or go tanning on the boat in the summer, while the guys fish the day away... I am a coinsurer of fine wine and exquisite food. I enjoy theater and the arts. I think traveling and culture should be a part of every ones life. I love kids and the way they help you see life in a pure and innocent way. I am socially liberal, and not a fan of organized religion. My birthday is 4/19/1982, my astrology book is like my bible. My ex and I broke up a little over a year ago now, after being together for a very long time. So, right now I'm not looking to meet someone to spend the rest of my life with, but if I find him so be it. I’m a personal chef and nanny; I graduated from culinary school a few years back. I am seriously thinking about going back to school in the near future to finish my BS in business. Life is full of change; if you are open to it great things will present themselves to you. So we will just see what happens. I have come to accept that I am in a place of transition, A work in progress, but aren’t we all. Life would be so boring if you had it all figured out! =)
Which Disney Princess Are You?
You are bookish but incredibly pretty. Belle was first seen in Beauty and the Beast (1991)

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'm looking to meet people who have strong values, morals, appreciate tradition, aren't affraid of hard work, strive to meet their goals and attain greatness. People who don't take themselves too seriously, are laid back, and open minded. I want to share aspirations, interesting experiences, and ideas. Let’s see a show, enjoy some cuisine and have a good time. =) Coffee, or cosmos and random conversations, are always in the cards for a promising evening!


Far too many to list, I like most types of music and am always excited about hearing someone new. Jack Johnson is my favorite this week; I can’t seem to get enough of “better together” and “banana pancakes.” I like alternative, soft rock, hip hop anything with good acoustics, good beats, and good lyrics.


I like movies! I really like going to the movies and spending ridiculous amounts of money on over priced soda and pop corn. I recently got a regal crown card, which makes it seem more fun and justified to spend all that money because now you get points! I really like the points. You can get points for everything these days, points for going to the grocery store, listening to the radio, going to the movies… now the question is what do all these points really do for you? Regardless I am very into collecting all the points… I don’t go to the movies as much as I did before I got blockbuster on line. Now almost all of my movies come in the mail, and I can ruin the movie magic by pausing the TV every 30 min when I get distracted. The best movies I have seen lately are Match Point, and In her Shoes.


TV is one of those things that no one really likes to admit that they watch a lot of, but always like to talk about when they have a show in common with someone else. I like watching TV; I have Tivo the greatest invention ever made. I actually think I watch less TV now that I have Tivo, because now I only watch what I like and not all the other stuff you watch when you are waiting for your show to come on. My favorite shows would include: Hero's, What about Brian, Gilmore girls, Grays Anatomy, Lost, and Law and Order SVU and Charmed. I also like watching the Food Network, TLC and ESPN. I'm a junkie I know.


I should read more books! On a weekly basis I like to read gossipy magazines like Life and Style, The week, and the living section and food day sections of the paper. Wahoo for cook books! Authors I enjoy include Jane Green, Mary Higgins Clark, J.K Rowling, Dean Koontz, Sedaris, and Jennifer Weiner. Fast Food Nation, On Food and cooking, The Joy of Cooking, The True History of Chocolate, I’m Just Here for the Food, and Kitchen Confidential are my food related favorites.


I think the real heroes in all of our lives are those who are there for us in a time of need. The people who you know you can count on in any given situation. Whether it is for the little things like the answer to a trivial question that only they would know (fresca, phlebotomist, quarry) or advice and a shoulder to cry on. Your Friends are your heroes, they accept you no matter what happens, and are able to laugh with you about it in the end. Heroes are those with the patience of Jobe, the strength and courage to make it through all the hard times, still maintaining an optimistic outlook on life. Anyone who can get thought all of life’s challenges with a smile on their face and laughter in their heart is a hero in their own right.