Music, Movies, and more Music. Also video games cause Im male thats a have to.
The people I'd like to meet are: Jim Morrison just to say thanks for the insperation for poetry to music, Pink Floyd for their way of expressing was of thinking outside the box, Jesus( thats a no brainer), and their are many more than that...
The Doors, Pink Floyd, Evenecence, The Eagles, Staind, and many more.
My favorite types of film are Horror and Action and Comedy. So as long as its pretty much falls under one of those cadigories im fine. But my favorites at of each are: Horror: The Nightmare on Elm Street, Action: Fast and the Furious, Comedy: Tommy Boy or Space Balls.
That 70's Show, Bevis and Butthead, The Simpsons, King of the Hill, South Park, and Real time comedy Hour on comedy central.
The Lord of the Rings plus the Hobbit, and the Bible and some more that I cant remember.
X-men, Spiderman, and my dad sometimes...oh also Jesus!