AlambrA™ Jame$ LETHAL {{ROCKET<3}} profile picture

AlambrA™ Jame$ LETHAL {{ROCKET&lt;3}}

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is JAMES ALAMBRA, I'm 21 years old BITCHES and I love to have a good time... I live in this place people like to refer to as "THE O.C." I was born in Newport and have lived within 15 miles my whole life... I'll never leave, I love it HERE! I know what I wanna do with my life, and where I'm goin' and no one can stop me! I wont take NO for an answer... I'm the founder of an up and coming clothing company called So*Cal SINNERS aka Bro*Kin. BK and ScS is more than a brand its a way of life, it is the definition of what it is to live the true Cali Lifestyle so many try to imitate, but can NEVER DUPLICATE, It Stands for your brothers and your kin(family) the two most impotant things in life... I'm down for anything, just as long as I can be myself! My BEST FRIENDS ARE STRIPERS so if your not down with that then whatever I DGAF...I HATE CONFORMING to peoples expectations, if you don't like me then GET THE FUCK OUT! I am who I am, "Don?t judge me by my FACE, Just listen to my HEART, and if you cannot feel it... Then maybe you never DESERVED to!"I only let the SINCERE ones in... If you FUCK ME OVER, I'll NEVER FORGET! All I'm lookin' for in life is to settle down, have a family, and be successful, that's all I ask for. I've totally fallen head over heels for the most amazing girl, but again... I GOT DICKED OVER! I hate playin' "THE GAME" so I decided that now I give up on EVERYTHING! Guess what bitches... GAME OVER.
"The only people that break hearts are the ones who's hearts have been broken!"
all that means is one day you will find someone with a heart that has all the pieces your missing and you'll become one...

I edited my profile with My FUKKIN' SKILLS BITCH! !

My Interests

Take the quiz:
How BRO are you?

Your The King of BRO!
You are for sure from the OC or the 909 areas, you love ridin bikes, You have a lifted truck with a huge decal covering the back window, and your hat is crooked on top of your bandana! You own something SRH,SKIN,FAMOUS,METAL MULISHIA, SILVERSTAR, HUSTLER and only wear dickies shorts with black socks...BRO, BROSEF, SICK, and DGAF are the only words that come outa your mouth, and BUD LIGHT is the only thing you DRINK!...congrats BRO

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
I Like things that keep me movin'
Whether it be shoes to keep me dancin'
Cars to keep me drivin'
Clothes to keep me stylin'
Food to keep me livin'
Cigs to keep me fiendin'
Air to keep me breathin'
Booze to keep me pukin'
Gambling to keep me cheatin'
Friends To Keep Me Laughin'
Anything that sounds fun I'm down,unless it's shady like DOPE and things of that nature,
then I'm not down, because that is not dope
did I mention...

I'd like to meet:

People that are worth meeting, which are:
1.Girls with ridiculous amounts of tattoos(tattoos are my weakness!)
2.Bro Hoe's straight outa' the nine
3.Fashionista scene chicks straight of a melrose
4.Girls who are beach bums
5.Snow Bunnys
6.People who know how to have a good time, no matter the what situation, or location
7.Bros who are down for life and will always have your back!
8.People who D.G.A.F. and are confident in what they believe in...stick to your guns!
9.Artisic people who take the road less traveled,
10.And anyone who wants to meet me, I'm always down...
So this pretty much describes the Bro*Kin *BaBes* and *HOnEyS* If for some odd reason you dont see anything that sounds like you on that list, well then maybe we shouldn't be friends...just kidding! It's kinda vauge, but if I went into serious details you'd be reading this forever...If this sounds anything like you then your definitely my type of person!
...Almost forgot the most important one...
Anyone who wants to join the So*Cal Sinners


I really dont have a certain preference when it comes to MUSIC, whatever tickles my fancy at the time being, then thats what I'm currently into... If you ever want to know my present state of mind then just open your ears and listen with your heart! I've been known to wear my heart on my sleeve! To fully understand who I really am and what I stand for, look through my pod or cd's and they'll tell all you need to know! And if your really that intrested in me then feel free to browse my collection and try to further understand who JAMES really is!


Anything by HUSTLER!Anything with Steve McQueen or Dustin Hoffman.
Anything on TCM,
Everything on AMC,
All the SNL cast movies,
Anything ScI-Fi/Horror,
anything that has to do with:
Sub Cultures,
or bizzare aspects of life as seen throught the eyes of a MADMAN,
And especially all the made for T.V. specials


The Bible,
Lord of the FLIES,
The Martian Chronicles,
A Clockwork Orange,
instruction manuals,
and MaD LiBs!


Chuck Norris is my hero...Did you know that Chuck Norris's tears cure cancer but it wouldn't matter because Chuck Norris doesn't cry!

Ummmmmmm.... Thats a lot of hutin' Mexican Babies.......
But we cant forget,
all the people that D.G.A.F,
(my inkslinger)
Larry Flynt
Hugh Hefner
Imperial Girls
& My MOM..

My Blog

All were missin are BROs

Posted by AlambrA™ Jame$ LETHAL {{ROCKET<3}} on Wed, 07 May 2008 06:16:00 PST

A Story of COFFEE, Thanx Nikki

a story of coffee.... Category: Life A Story of Coffee You will never look at a cup of coffee the same way again........ A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things we...
Posted by AlambrA™ Jame$ LETHAL {{ROCKET<3}} on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 11:44:00 PST


I'm loving myself right now, check back in a couple minutes...If I'm not back, then I'm probably passed out, from loving myself too much! Post a comment... If it's a secret then call me... you dont kn...
Posted by AlambrA™ Jame$ LETHAL {{ROCKET<3}} on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 08:51:00 PST

The REAL OC.... So True!!!!!!

THE REAL OCtheres i place i knowwhere all the scenester kids goa little place called orange countystraight edgersemo'spersain fob gangsters and broswell theres a shows about it nowthe oc and laguna be...
Posted by AlambrA™ Jame$ LETHAL {{ROCKET<3}} on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 08:51:00 PST