tattoos.... music... sex.... hair.... friends....doing things with my family... my little x..... travel.... food... going out on dates.. kisses and holding hands.... money.... purses/hand bags... THE COLOR PINK!!
you and every one else
whatever it is always changinghttp://profile.../pUy7s/music/s328VYd8/aprs_moi/
you know... the usuall
heros, americas next top model, the girls next door, talk soup,any thing on E!
cries of the childern.. by claire mcnally ... this is the only book i have read and actually like it.. i really dont like reading but for some reason i just couldnt put this book down. How to make love like a porn star : a cautionary tale By Jenna Jameson.Was just like the E hollywood true story. Why do men have nipples is pretty interesting.. i read it in one night. PEOPLE JANE AND COSMO MAGAZINE