The GoatMan profile picture

The GoatMan

The GoatMan bows to none!

About Me

The GoatMan co-fronts legendary Cleveland supergroup "HardGore" and has been destroying town after town with HardGore since 1988. If you haven't caught 'em live, you need to get out of the house more often!

My Interests

Music of all kinds, Cleveland, blood-n-guts, movies, destruction, disecting propaganda of any kind, hurting people including friends, drinking way too much every night of the week, and then going out drunk driving and looking for a fight.

I'd like to meet:

Muhammad Ali.


I prefer our music (HardGore) to anything else for the simple fact that we outplay everybody out there on a nightly basis.


TOP 10: Glengarry GlenRoss, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Friday The 13th Pt. 6-"Jason Lives", Anchorman, The Straight Story, The Exorcist 3, Slingblade, Office Space, Return of the Living Dead, Halloween Pt. 2, Evil Dead Pt. 2, Old School, Hi-Fidelity, & The Unforgiven...there, those are my top 10!!!


"The HardGore 1/2 Hour", which airs twice a week on Mtv-Europe...Check you local cable listing for scheduled times.


"The Bachelor's Home Companion" by P.J. O'Rourke.


My father, GoatMan Sr. and Jason Becker.

My Blog

Dean sez...

Here's how you play:Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things about yourself: facts, habits, or goals. At the end, choose 10 people to be tagged, and list thei...
Posted by The GoatMan on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 12:41:00 PST

Vigilante for hire?

In todays chaotic age of school shootings/molestations/rapes etc...why doesn't one of these lunatics take it upon themselves to consider an alternate method of self, say...oh, I don'...
Posted by The GoatMan on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 07:14:00 PST

Seasons Wither

Anybody that knows me is well aware of the fact that my father passed away a few weeks ago. Sept. 12th to be exact. I have feared this day for many years. Anyone who has lost a parent knows what I'm t...
Posted by The GoatMan on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 03:38:00 PST

Fuckin' Scumbags

You know...I used to have quite a temper. As a matter of fact I could have been described as 'stand-off-ish'...that is until I grew older. I have seemed to calm with age. Nowadays, I am generally an a...
Posted by The GoatMan on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 03:56:00 PST

The Kings of HardGore are back!

Yes, it's true. HardGore are back this year and they are pissed. Following a short hiatus pursuing their individual careers, The forefathers of all that is chaos have reunited to once again bring madn...
Posted by The GoatMan on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 02:49:00 PST