I LIKE- furry animals, pools, my wedding dress, my nephew and niece, punk shows, bryan skateboarding, car shows, old cars and bikes anything vintage, thrifting, tattoos,lakes, camping,summer,snow,fast cars, monster trucks, grandmas cooking,beer, honey rasberry beer,pumpkin beer,I HATE-crackheads, animal abusers, child molesters, thieves,white collars.......tattoos from wall flash, get your own fucking design loooser,
anyone who is not a dumbass and close minded.
social d, sick of it all, agnostic front, toasters, pietasters, h2o, circle jerks, minor threat, bad manners, the clash, hole, ramones, street dogs, dropkick, civ, pennywise,bosstones,suicide machines, h2o, madball, dropkick, less than jake, reel big fish, the business, ducky boys, face to face,warzone,bouncing soles,horrorpops,to many more to write and think of,........ OK PUNK AND HARDCORE ARE MY FAVORITES! but to tell the truth i also like oldies and some old country,
people vs larry flynt, sid and nancy,toy story,i like lots of movies
i dont really have any favorites
my little boston terrier brutus and our shepherd roxy, also rosie, my grandpa and granma,friends and most family, Beer,