This name could be derived from several sources. It could be from Spanish linda meaning "beautiful"; it could be a short form of BELINDA or MELINDA ; or it could be a short form of e all, if they contains many Discus!!!Germanic names ending with the element linde meaning "soft, tender".
LINDA is the #3 female name in the US.
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I describe myself like...A mix between a cat and... a pixie: sweet, awake, ready to take out her claws,
you can see me, IF I want...
A nice quiz....
You are most like Ayesha, You are warm and loving.
An ideal house pet for a hermit, who would
never give up an opportunity to get a scratch
behind the ear from your favorite opera
What character from Phantom of the Opera are you most like?
Your Birth Month is September
Tolerant and inspirational, you are wise beyond your years.
You are universally sympathetic and a great humanitarian.
Your soul reflects: Devotion, light, and love
Your gemstone: Sapphire
Your flower: Morning Glory
Your colors: Brown and deep blue What Does Your Birth Month Mean?
A thing that I don't said before, is that I like very much the fishtanks, in particular freshwater tanks, abov Ok, a saltwater tank could be the top,'s too many expensive and difficult to mantain...
One more thing, is that I'm a ferocious Age Of Empires & Age f Mythology player...Really, someone who saw me while I was playing...He said the beast inside of me is gonna get ya! :)
Well, now watch this video. I think that is one of the best works I've ever made. I'd be glade if you tell me what do you think about, thanks.