I made my layout at killerkiwi.net
Nonno Enio in English is Grandad Enio. I've become a grandad only last january but it's a lot of time I'm called that way because I am always the oldest of the company. It all started when I began to play goalkeeper in a handball team at the age of 29. All the other players were under 20.
I'm a retired teacher of English married with Nives and we have a son, Daniele.
Born under the bombings, with the heat of Auugust on the Adriatic coast. My mother kept saying that no one could become a "normal" person with that sort of environment at birth and I think in a way she was damn right.
Normal people don't, at the age of sixty plus, get on a Moto Guzzi bike and ride for 750 km just to spend an evening and a night in the company of other bikers with loud rock and blues on the background.
And most of all normal people don't get on the same bike the morning after, with only a couple of hour's sleep to cover the same distance on the way home.
Well, as long as mother nature allows me that sort of things , I'll be a happy man! ----------------------------------------------------------
Ex insegnante di Inglese ora in pensione, sposato con Nives, ho un figlio, Daniele, sposato con Claudia .
Nato in Agosto in tempo di guerra, con le bombe che piovevano da tutte le parti, il caldo della costa romagnola e la paura come sottofondo giornaliero. Mia madre sosteneva che non si poteva venir fuori normali e penso che, in fondo, avesse ragione.
Vi sembra normale uno che ha passato i sessanta e che, quando l'ansia di Nives glielo permette, inforca la moto al sabato mattina e va a farsi un raduno in Germania per essere di ritorno la domenica sera con 1500 km sulle spalle (meglio dire sulle chiappe) e gli effetti di birra e musica rock fino alle due del mattino? (Giusto per fare un esempio!)