“The lane of love is narrow; there is room for only one.â€
Sen. Barack H Obama Jr.
Roots, Malcom X, Do the Right Thing, SchoolDaze, Jungle Fever, Bambozzled, When the Levees Broke, Color Purple, Whats love Gotta to Do (Ike & Tina) Lean on Me, Crash, 10,000 Black Men Name George Fahrenheit 9/11 (too many to list these are my top favorite)
Chappelle Show (season I & II) The Boondocks (complete 1st season)CSPAN, MSNBC, Def Comedy Jam (classic)Def Poetry Jam Law & Order (CI, SVU) Good Times, Sanford & Son (too many to list, these are my top favorite)
The Mis-education of the Negro(Carter G Wilson) The Covenant(3rd World Press/Tavis Smiley) Fahrenheit 9/11, Will They Ever Trust Us Again(Michael Moore) Is Bill Cosby Right(Michael Eric Dyson) Chocolate Favor (Zane: you freaky muthafucker) (too many to list, these are my favorite)
Martin Luther King Jr, Assata Shakur, Fred Hampton Angela Davis, Nelson Mandela, Cornell West,Che Guevara (too many to list)