~?AMY?~ profile picture


We must be willing to get rid of the life we planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us

About Me

I'm a mother... a friend... an actress... I'm independent... and also a professional. A bit silly & goofy... sarcastic, but in a somewhat light & cheery way... possibly due to my ever lingering insomnia.
I am loyal and devoted to the things that are important to me... my family, friends, acting, my career, and love....
I am a very open-minded person, who could care less about your social status or who you are connected to... how much money you may or may not have.I am rarely without a smile on MY face... and always trying to put a smile on others :)

My Interests

Making good times and memories with my friends and kids, dance, long walks, music & outdoor shows, the internet, shopping, swimming, gardening, cocktails & good conversation, makin money, cooking, kissing, people watching, snuggling, falling in love, stillettos and poles, lingerie, and as my girl ~S~ says...LOL, certain adult sports ;-)

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who doesn't pretend to be something they are not... I want to meet people who are REAL... I also have no need for drama (well at least not the bad kind of drama!!!) Anyone who is true to themselves, and to others... There are enough fakes out there already!

Buried at PhotoCasket.com


Music has been a BIG part of my life since I was very young. I Love ALL types and era's of music... and I do mean ALL music!!! Different music brings out different emotions for me, so my taste of music varies depending on how I'm feeling from day to day


OF ALL TIME?? I WOULD SAY... Pulp Fiction, Casino, New Jack City, Devil's Advocate, Flatliners, People vs. Larry Flint, 54, Fletch, Trainspotting, Wizard of Oz, Singles, Grease, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Big Fish, Ace Ventura, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Lost Boys, Clerks, Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club, My Life, The Notebook, And yes... should I admit??? ....Sweet Home Alabama


Don't watch too much TV anymore... If I had more time... don't know if I'd even consider it, much more to my life now than TV


ANYONE who has overcome great odds... and succeeded!!!