Diamondback profile picture


Yes, it's Hogan's intro music. Mwahahahahaha!!!!!

About Me

Uhh, what am I supposed to put here... I'm 5-10, 185lbs. I'm a sports fan, a gamer, history buff, about halfway between a conservative and a libertarian, a patriot, and a lover of greasy ass food and dark heavy beer. I believe the greatest danger to the United States is not Islam or Illegal Immigration, but our laughable public school system. I believe that 85% of people don't pay enough attention to what's going on in the world, and of the remaining 15%, half of them get their news from Jon Fucking Stewart, which is a joke I can't even laugh at. I hate rules, especially 'unwritten' ones. Unwritten rules aren't written for a reason... they're stupid. I think baseball players should high five fans when they hit game tying homeruns in the bottom of the 10th inning, I think if two people want to discuss religion or politics at a bar, the people around them should either deal with it or move to another table, and I think the games we play as a part of our mating ritual are fucking stupid.
The very concept of fashion disgusts me. I try to look nice on occassion, not very often, but now and then, but looking around all I see are people who are slave to 'what's in' and I find it pathetic in a lot of ways. It doesn't matter what subculture it is, either... anyone else ever notice how punks pride themselves on being non-conformist, yet they all look the same? (NOTE: NOTHING AGAINST PUNKS, honestly! Some of my favorite people are "punk", like Nick H., it's just an observation. You can't reject confirmity by conforming to another trend. Non conformity is just doing your own thing... there are people that are absolutely up on trends and are nonconformists... they dress that way because they like to look nice, not because they want to effect other people's view of them).
My social existance is fairly young. I've always had friends though... very good friends, I've been very blessed to have some of the best fucking people on earth close to me: James, the complaint department, Nick T, 14 year Dembro Vet, we've gone through everything together. Nick H, the boy who's serving our country in Afghanistan, a good example of a proud Irishman too, Kevin, who I've known for 22 years. Bit of a dork, but only me and Nick can call him that. He's our dork. Will, the fearless leader, the quiet contemplative type always knew how to keep me balanced through some rough shit. The Dave, who is the ultimate balancer for me, he helps me keep my head on straight without even trying. I suppose I shouldn't leave out the females... Laura, the mother of my child, and Kelley, who helped me keep my head up through the breakup, and Carissa, who's just fun to laugh at and throw in the air. Without these people I'd be nothing, I'd be fuckin' dead. I went a period in my life without them... ended up in jail.
When you have no family, your friends are everything. Keep your friends close, value them, and most of all choose them well (I just relearned that lesson!) Sometimes they're all that seperates you and a VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!!!!!

My Interests

Actually, this. I love just messing around with my layout... damn, maybe I should learn HTML and become a webmaster somewhere, I actually enjoy this shit.

Other than that... gaming, politics, history, American football (both college [Notre Dame and North Dakota State] and pro [49ers and Cardinals]), soccer (EPL [Arsenal] and MLS [Real Salt Lake]), baseball (D'Backs and Twins), international sports, and then some.

I'd like to meet:

I created my layout at KillerKiwi.net


Dropkick Murphys, Flogging Molly, Whiskey or Blood, Pogues, Ice Cube, Westside Connection, KoRn, etc. etc. etc.


The Boondock Saints is my favorite movie, but Snatch, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Fight Club, Braveheart, Excalibur, and Gladiator fight for a close second.

I'm still waiting for that perfect fantasy movie to come out and take that top spot. Lord of the Rings wasn't quite it, I'm hoping they do a Dragonlance movie (which would be fairly similar to LotR, but with far better characters). [UPDATE: The Dragonlance movie is in the works, but it will be animated. Keifer Sutherland has been cast as the voice of Raistlin!)

I'm almost as picky about movies as I am about television. Not quite because it doesn't take as much effort to get into a movie... you've only gotta watch it once. I like some movies that are pretty much universally thought of as crappy (Armageddon, for example, I liked quite a bit, despite it's holes), and I hate a lot of movies that are well received.

I'm a big fan of Kevin Smith's work as well.


I'm pretty picky about television. There is very little I like. My favorite show, far and away, is 24. After that there are three shows I will go out of my way to watch: Firefly (canceled), Deadwood, and Rome.


Dragonlance series, the best being the Kingpriest Trilogy and the Ergoth Trilogy. Of course the core books (Chronicles, Legends, Second Generation, Summer Flame, War of Souls) are all great as well.
Outside of that, mostly non fiction. Current events or politics related. I read a lot on political theory and tend to focus on conservative authors, but I do read the enemy regularly. Know thy enemy, ya know. I consider Thomas Sowell to be pretty much the smartest guy on the planet right now.
History is another subject I read quite a bit. Celtic/Irish history (which is mostly speculative since the Celts didn't have a written language until about 700AD, by which time they were being swallowed up by other cultures). Just so everyone understands... Celtic does not equal Irish. The Irish were to the Celts as Arizonans are to Americans... the Celts stretched from Ireland, through England (the Britons), France (the Gauls), all the way into the near east (The Galatians... yes, THOSE Galatians). I'm especially intrigued by the Crusades. The idea of hundreds of thousands of people giving up everything they owned and risked their lives for the sake of religion intrigues me (yes, we've all been programmed to believe that the Crusaders were nothing but greedy pricks trying to get a piece of the holy land, but just because they didn't have the internet didn't mean they were stupid... nobody believed the Milk and Honey stories, and most of them knew they weren't going to get anything out of the trip. They sought salvation more than anything else. Another factor to consider is that Islamic nations [notably the Turks] had been encroaching on Christian land for hundreds of years by that point... the Crusades, in the beginning at least, were a defensive war.)


Abraham Lincoln, Steve Young, Ronald Reagan, Jack F'n Bauer, every man and woman who's ever served in our armed forces.

My Blog

New Work Schedule

We had our 6-month shift bid and I just had my choice. My schedule will be 3:30pm-12:00am with Saturday and Sunday off. This is effective July 13th.I'm not totally thrilled with it, but at least I can...
Posted by Diamondback on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 12:10:00 PST

George Carlin didn’t die. He passed away. Or he expired, like an old magazine subscription

RIP George Carlin, the greatest of all time...
Posted by Diamondback on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 08:04:00 PST

Congratulations, Fargo, on your rejection of freedom

I guess it was a matter of time. I don't think people really understand the gravity of what they're doing.Let me start out with news that's heartening. Fargo residence voted AGAINST an ass-backwards h...
Posted by Diamondback on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 10:00:00 PST


srsly, I got a mancrush on this guy. He's awesome....
Posted by Diamondback on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 02:12:00 PST

Dedicated to James

Posted by Diamondback on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 03:47:00 PST

And the circle is broken... bad juju

James leaves. This ends the circle. The family is gone.Dave returns soon, an event I thought would reunite the family... The Original Triumverate. James even initially planned to delay his departure.....
Posted by Diamondback on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 08:07:00 PST

My New Theme Song

Posted by Diamondback on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 05:52:00 PST

well, I did it

It wasn't the best of times to do it, but at least I was sobor.I told Laura how I feel. I told her flat out. And I was soundly rejected.I'm used to that. It's how things work with me. I'm not good wit...
Posted by Diamondback on Sun, 18 May 2008 03:59:00 PST

Dental Care Hell

About 14 days ago, after having applied for Medical and Dental insurance through my employer, I received a letter from the provider stating that I was approved for Medical... at the same time I receiv...
Posted by Diamondback on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 06:51:00 PST

Dragons of Autumn Twilight

Well, years in the waiting, and it's finally here.As many of my close friends know, I'm a huge fan of the "Dragonlance" line of novels. Like most Dragonlance fans, I've been hoping for a film version....
Posted by Diamondback on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 01:55:00 PST