Actually, this. I love just messing around with my layout... damn, maybe I should learn HTML and become a webmaster somewhere, I actually enjoy this shit.
Other than that... gaming, politics, history, American football (both college [Notre Dame and North Dakota State] and pro [49ers and Cardinals]), soccer (EPL [Arsenal] and MLS [Real Salt Lake]), baseball (D'Backs and Twins), international sports, and then some.
I created my layout at
Dropkick Murphys, Flogging Molly, Whiskey or Blood, Pogues, Ice Cube, Westside Connection, KoRn, etc. etc. etc.
The Boondock Saints is my favorite movie, but Snatch, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Fight Club, Braveheart, Excalibur, and Gladiator fight for a close second.
I'm still waiting for that perfect fantasy movie to come out and take that top spot. Lord of the Rings wasn't quite it, I'm hoping they do a Dragonlance movie (which would be fairly similar to LotR, but with far better characters). [UPDATE: The Dragonlance movie is in the works, but it will be animated. Keifer Sutherland has been cast as the voice of Raistlin!)
I'm almost as picky about movies as I am about television. Not quite because it doesn't take as much effort to get into a movie... you've only gotta watch it once. I like some movies that are pretty much universally thought of as crappy (Armageddon, for example, I liked quite a bit, despite it's holes), and I hate a lot of movies that are well received.
I'm a big fan of Kevin Smith's work as well.
I'm pretty picky about television. There is very little I like. My favorite show, far and away, is 24. After that there are three shows I will go out of my way to watch: Firefly (canceled), Deadwood, and Rome.
Dragonlance series, the best being the Kingpriest Trilogy and the Ergoth Trilogy. Of course the core books (Chronicles, Legends, Second Generation, Summer Flame, War of Souls) are all great as well.
Outside of that, mostly non fiction. Current events or politics related. I read a lot on political theory and tend to focus on conservative authors, but I do read the enemy regularly. Know thy enemy, ya know. I consider Thomas Sowell to be pretty much the smartest guy on the planet right now.
History is another subject I read quite a bit. Celtic/Irish history (which is mostly speculative since the Celts didn't have a written language until about 700AD, by which time they were being swallowed up by other cultures). Just so everyone understands... Celtic does not equal Irish. The Irish were to the Celts as Arizonans are to Americans... the Celts stretched from Ireland, through England (the Britons), France (the Gauls), all the way into the near east (The Galatians... yes, THOSE Galatians). I'm especially intrigued by the Crusades. The idea of hundreds of thousands of people giving up everything they owned and risked their lives for the sake of religion intrigues me (yes, we've all been programmed to believe that the Crusaders were nothing but greedy pricks trying to get a piece of the holy land, but just because they didn't have the internet didn't mean they were stupid... nobody believed the Milk and Honey stories, and most of them knew they weren't going to get anything out of the trip. They sought salvation more than anything else. Another factor to consider is that Islamic nations [notably the Turks] had been encroaching on Christian land for hundreds of years by that point... the Crusades, in the beginning at least, were a defensive war.)
Abraham Lincoln, Steve Young, Ronald Reagan, Jack F'n Bauer, every man and woman who's ever served in our armed forces.