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My friends, my family...everything in my life x
Everyone from from music section, New people, Jeremy Kyle, Hugh Grant, Rowan Atkinson, Adam Lazzara. The people i've already lost.
TakingBackSunday ArcticMonkeys BlocParty TheEditors MichaelBuble Mcfly TheKooks TheFratellis TheWombats KingsOfLeon Milburn EnriqueInglesias Yellowcard HelloGoodbye Sugarcult BrandNew Thursday SensesFail AlkalineTrio BayCityRollers LettersToCleo LilyAllen TheFray Busted Usher JustinTimberlake LighthouseFamily ShaniaTwain JimmyEatWorld Mest LostProphets DamienRice TheBeatles TheMonkees TakeThat TracyChapman ChristinaAguilera Westlife JohnLegend Blink182 FuneralForAFriend TheUsed TheKillers PaoloNutini Razorlight Mika TheFeeling TheKlaxons BonJovi StoryOfTheYear MyChemicalRomance Pink
10ThingsIHateAboutYou TheHoliday MusicAndLyrics JohnTuckerMustDie Saw(I,II,III) MoulinRouge
Bottom Hollyoaks Skins JeremyKyle BigBrother CoronationStreet TheSimpsons
Anything by Jodi Picoult
Friends make the world a more beautiful place they share their point of view and help us see things in ways that are wonderful and new; friends make the world more beautiful in a countless different ways making good times better and enriching all our days;; it may seem we take for granted as the busy days go past the good and the faithful friendship that we count on to last// but there’s a special language understood between me and you and in which our words of gratitude are spoken silently and although your heart already know sometimes I like to’ve made my world more beautiful im glad you came my way ..