MR2 is a high-flying hit!
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The winged kids return in Maximum Ride: School's Out - Forever!
#1 on the New York Times Best Sellers List!
"This eagerly awaited sequel to Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment...does not disappoint. They end up in one 'gnarly sitch' after another in this breathless adventure, which is full of action, swooping flights and fierce fights – a sure bet for the movies, along the lines of the X-Men."
"Max’s sarcastic first-person voice and her interactions with her ragtag adopted family keep the narrative percolating. School’s Out — Forever...[is] an enjoyable, occasionally exhilarating, ride."
- San Francisco Chronicle
"I was a little bit of a misfit in school. Also, the concepts in [School’s Out - Forever] —from doing good to using your talents—are similar to what I write about."
- Holly Brook, musician
"We're all Sci-Fi, adventure enthusiasts...geeky boys. We love all of that stuff. We grew up on it, so it's a good thing to be a part of this."
- Chris Wilson, The Summer Obsession
"James Patterson is the greatest Fantasy-mixed-with-reality author since Roald Dahl. I wasn't captivated - I was addicted. I felt as if I was living
the story - I felt as if I was Max. I could see myself giving the famous round-house kick and scowling at Total. I could feel my blood singing every time Jeb came into play. I immersed myself in Max's world, for hours at a time, and I couldn't tear myself away."
- Heather, Max Ride reader
"I just wanted to say that Maximum Ride was absoulutely amazing! The writing was witty and action-packed...exactly what kids want in a book.
Once I started it, I didn't want to stop. I can't
wait to see what you have in store for Max, Fang, Iggy, Gazzy, Nudge and Angel in the next one!"
- Caitlin, Max Ride reader
If you've already devoured James Patterson's #1 bestselling blockbuster MAXIMUM RIDE: THE ANGEL EXPERIMENT, stop right here just turn the page, and hold on tight!
As for the rest of you - well, where have you been? Meet Max, Fang, Iggy, The Gasman, Nudge, and Angel, six absolutely unforgettable kids. With some major problems. THEY'RE BEING HUNTED BY KILLERS. BUT WHO?
It's even worse than that. Max is sure that a microchip has been inserted under her skinleading freakish forces of evil to ambush them at any moment...AND WORSE!
She and the others are supposed to save the world. BUT FROM WHAT? WHEN? AND HOW?
Max will stop at nothing to find answers. One thing she does know: it's got something to do with an astonishing ability they have that no others can claim. THEY CAN FLY.
Max's heart-stopping quest to protect her "family" and investigate the mind-blowing mystery of her ultimate destiny continues in the scariest, strangest, and funniest James Patterson thriller yet.
For info on the Max Ride movie, please click HERE .
VIDEO: Creepy Itex Footage, Posted by Iggy