Background from Google search result
guitar, music, singing, beach, beer, margaritas, Sex and the City, The Office! road trips, PoopDog!, theater, *my cat*, surfing, Dunkin Donuts iced coffee, the drive-in, brazilian bathing suits, cocoa beach on labor day weekend, watching baseball games (marlins!), conan o'brian and will ferrel, mary-kate and ashley, Target, my job, Peanut Island, naps, beach hair, sand in my purse, corny jokes, reading a good book on the beach, live music, voodoo, victorias secret, florida, ft. lauderdale beach, bbq's, mexican food, having sundays off!, key west sunsets, taking pictures, my sisters, my absolute favorite thing to do is have drinks with my friends :)
Good friends, good drinks, good times!
Jackson Browne
Empire Records, Mall Rats, Dazed and Confused, Reality Bites, Across the Universe, Old School, Anchorman! Grandma's Boy, Wedding Crashers, Superbad! Home for the Holidays, Elf, Sixteen Candles, The Thing Called Love, Clerks, Chasing Amy, Lords of Dogtown, Mermaids, Love Actually, That Thing You Do, Dumb and Dumber, Wayne's World, Annie, Beaches...etc.
... The Office, Top Chef, Weeds, Arrested Development, It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia, Live from Abbey Road, Cash Cab, Aqua Teen, Pen and Teller:Bullshit, Real Time with Bill Maher, Sex and the City!, Law and Order:SVU, Conan O'brian
Murder Mysteries mostly
my mom.