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We Are StraightxEdge

This fight is more important than YOUR LIFE

About Me

What does straight-edge mean?
Straight Edge is a more philosophical offshoot of the punk movement, a The basic tenet of the philosophy centres around the issue of self-control. The goal is to regain as much personal control over your own life as possible. sXe is the only youth counter-culture to actively discourage drug use, alcohol use, and casual sex.Straight edge is a lifestyle centred around personal development and well being, while encouraging fun and togetherness. sXe is not just about being into contemporary punk music acts and being against drugs. It goes deeper than this. The movement wishes to attract people away from dependancy lifestyles centred around drug habits (legal or illegal) and unhealthy and exploitative eating and general living habits common in modern cultures. sXe is not dogmatic, there are no hard rules, these are for you to decide. Nobody should dictate like the police, or preach an ideology like the church or state.Where does the name straight-edge come from?According to legend, the drummer for Minor Threat [Jeff Nelson], one of the first bands to preach the "stay punk, stay clean" ethos, ...was drawing a poster for a show using a wood ruler. He commented to his bandmates that the ruler's straight edge was a metaphor for their lifestyle.Straight Edge by Minor Threat, 1981I'm a person just like you But I've got better things to do Than sit around and fuck my head Hang out with the living dead Snort white shit up my nose Pass out at the shows I don't even think about speed That's something I just don't needI've got the straight edgeI'm a person just like you But I've got better things to do Than sit around and smoke dope 'Cause I know I can cope Laugh at the thought of eating ludes Laugh at the thought of sniffing glue Always gonna keep in touch Never want to use a crutchI've got the straight edgeWhat's with the Xs?A common practice at all-ages punk shows was to mark minors with an "X" on their hands so they couldn't buy alcohol. As the straight-edge philosophy grew popular, punkers who were older than 18 but didn't drink for ideological reasons started to mark themselves with the X in a show of solidarity.Is straight-edge a religion?No. Although sXe embraces some of the moral values held by most major religions, sXe'ers don't necessarily believe in a God. There is no organised church or worship service. However, some sXe'ers are members of organised churches, temples or mosques where they feel that the sXe beliefs fit in.Why do kids get into straight-edge?Some common reasons people decide to become sXe include: 1. wanting to control their own lives 2. seeing what damage drugs can do to others 3. being raised in an alcoholic family 4. identifying with the sXe values and 5. being with people who have the same values.Ruth Horner said "There's just such a TREMENDOUS social pressure to drink, do drugs, and so on. Society says 'just say no' but what does it matter, once you turn 21? Or at least become an adult. Then it's just an accepted form of 'recreation.' By then it has become an accepted 'addiction' as well. Look at how prevalent alcohol and tobacco and negative sexuality are in the media, not just commercials. it's a big part of our culture, particularly youth culture. Where does it end you up?"That's right. No where fast. I just don't understand. From what I have heard, hangovers suck. Watching your life fall apart sucks. It's just not fair o yourself, or anyone else around you that loves you to take such a risk and purposely deny yourself the privilege of being healthy. Health isn't a privilege, it's a given. It doesn't FEEL good to have hangovers. It doesn't FEEL good to OD. It doesn't FEEL good to go through withdrawal and it most certainly doesn't FEEL good to have AIDS! So why don't today's youth learn from example? I did. A lot of others out there have too. But for some reason, the ignorant are still out there."You just have to learn to stand strong against it all. Stay true to yourself. Find alternatives. Personally I find that I get a high from going to hows. Just the ROAR of the guitar, and the RUSH of the drums feeling he sweat drip from my face, being squashed by the others around me. I find THAT exciting!!"I don't think I'm any better than anyone else, I just think I'm being smart. And if you have a problem with that then tough."How do I join the straight-edge?You don't join straight-edge, you become straight-edge. To do that you just get involved in the scene and start thinking for yourself.The idea is to closely examine your own life, identify what factors influence your thoughts and behaviours, assess what impact they are having on your life and rid yourself of those factors which you deem to have a negative impact on your life.What is hardcore?"Hardcore is the style that began in the early 80s, often applied to bands such as Black Flag, Minor Threat, Sick of It All, Bad Brains, Rollins Band, Fugazi, etc.--sort of "2nd wave" punk bands. They were sloppy punk bands that played with more intensity and heaviness than earlier ones like the Sex Pistols, The Clash, etc. Today's hardcore bands are tighter and much heavier, and can be divided into two general types (usually called East Coast or West Coast, for where the band is, but it's not always consistent). The first type are smoother, with heavy grooves that flow, with a vocalist that sings (or at least tries to) or shouts. The second type is heavier, with tight, stop-and-go rhythms and harsh vocals that are a cross between shouts and low screams."hopefully with the current popularity of punk rock more kids will discover that the world ain't exactly a great place, and work for positive change despite the many evil forces in this world. And that is the best definition of hardcore I can imagine."Why are there so many rules?Straight-edge isn't about rules. It's a philosophy about being in control of your own actions and making decisions for yourself. As a result you'll choose not to smoke, drink, sleep around, eat meat but these choices may be different to different people. The hallmarks of straight-edge remain hardcore/punk music and don't smoke, don't drink, don't fuck.Is straight-edge about politics?Although sXe is not inherently political, politics are a logical extension of an sXe lifestyle. Once you have regained control over your life, the desire to help others and to make a positive contribution to your culture, society, community by addressing issues of social justice is a very natural thing to do. Many sXe'ers join organisations like Greenpeace, Amnesty International, and SADD (Students Against Drunk Drivers). They also encourage friends to give up drugs, alcohol, and smoking.Do I have to be vegan/vegetarian to be straight-edge?"vegetarianism is not part of sxe, only a natural progression."Veganism has little to do with sXe pure life ideals. People generally aren't addicted to animal products. But it seems logical to look at everything you put into your body once you start examining external factors, and so many sXe folk logically choose to adopt a vegan life. A vegan excludes animal flesh (meat, poultry, fish and seafood), animal products (eggs and dairy), and usually excludes honey and the wearing and use of animal products (leather, silk, wool, lanolin, gelatin...). The major vegan societies all disallow honey, but some "vegans" still use it. Some "vegans" also refuse to eat yeast products.Can I take medications if I'm straight-edge?Some kids say you shouldn't take any drugs. "Straight Edger's exclude all forms of drugs from their lives, including alcohol, cigarettes, illegal drugs and often other drugs such as aspirin. Most sXe'ers don't even "use" caffeine."However, it would be stupid not to take medications for serious illnesses. How can you take control of your life if you're delirious or dead!How much does pro-life feature in sXe?This is quite a heated topic as you can imagine. I'll take the liberty to define some of the terms since there is a lot of different meanings being used - I'll take the obvious ones. Pro-life is the belief that life (especially human) is always valuable and should be supported and defended. It is not however anti-choice, just like pro-choice is not anti-life. Pro-choice is the belief that people should be able to make life choices by themselves, and in particular whether they choose to have an abortion performed on their unborn child.Given the definitions above most who've got the straight-edge are pro-life and pro-choice. That is, they will take responsibility for their actions (which is the reason for being straight) and will not take the easy option of aborting an unexpected child. However, they will not presume to force the same ethic on others.Those who are hardline will also be anti-choice.All my friends drink, does this mean I have to find new friends?No! Be a good influence for them. You can be a better friend by being straight.What is hardline straight-edge?"Hardline is a very specific political eco-defense movement that believes they have the one truth of natural living, including abstinence from drugs, veganism, and pro-life beliefs. They also claim to believe in direct action, but it remains to be seen if they'll do anything."From the Hardline Creed: "The time has come for an ideology and for a movement, that is both physically and morally strong enough, to do battle against the forces of evil that are destroying the earth (and all life upon it). ..."That ideology, that movement, is Hardline. A belief system, and a way of life that lives by one ethos - that all innocent life is sacred, and must have the right to live out it's natural state of existance in peace, without interference. ... Any action that does interfere with such rights shall not be considered a "right" in itself, and therefore shall not be tolerated. Those who hurt or destroy life around them, or create a situation in which that life or the quality of it is threatened shall from then on no longer be considered innocent life, and in turn will no longer have rights."Adherents to the hardline will abide by these proncilpes in daily life. They shall live at one with the laws of nature, and shall not forsake them for the desire of pleasure - from deviant sexual acts and/or abortion, to drug use of any kind (and all other cases where one harms all life around them under the pretext that they are just harming themselves). And, in following with the belief that one shall not infringe on an innocent's life - no animal product shall be consumed (be it flesh, milk or egg). Along with this purity of everyday life, the true hardliner must strive to liberate the rest of the world from it's chains - saving lives in some cases, and in others, dealing out justice to those guilty of destoying it." Straight-edge linksA Few Points on StraightEdge A Page Worth Thinking About Cyber Edge Kenyon College Straight Edge Crew Nanticoke Straight Edge Poland Straight Edge Page STR8 EDGE STR8EDG Straight Edge Forum Straight Edge Park Straight Edge Will Never Die Straight-Edge Definition Straightedge Hardcore Pit Straightedge is Forever StraightEdge.com Sweden Straight Edge Sisterhood Syracuse Straight Edge Ten Yard Fight - Boston Straight Edge Viva La Straight-Edge! Wilkes-Barre Straight-Edge X Straight-Edge X xxedgexx.com FAQ - alt.punk.straight-edge Usenet - alt.punk.straight-edge x.Finalwordsfanzine.x x805x Central Coast STRAIGHTEDGE Homepage Straight-edge.com

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cory-Sn: The Dead Is Rad
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My Blog

The Real "EMO"

theres alot of kids on here who fucking need to read this... on a side not i did not write this... i just think its one of the closest definations ive seen to date (jacob im sure u could change some s...
Posted by We Are StraightxEdge on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 05:41:00 PST

The Scene Is Falling?? You Tell Me!

Hey, im Justin... Im from Pennsylvania and ive been hearing a lot of issues dealing with the hardcore scene. My friend tends to think that the hardcore scene is turning into a big wiggerfest because u...
Posted by We Are StraightxEdge on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 01:33:00 PST