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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Name's beth. I love to be outdoors. I love to ride bikes and go snowboarding they are my two favorite hobbys. I really enjoy going to the gym. Or out to the mountains to fool around and fish. I would like to learn how to surf that'd be sick. I love to be active and feel alive. Get my heart rate up. I'm on a misson to get a sexy ass body that I plan on working hard for. I'm not the one to doubt because I'll prove you wrong. I'm my own person and I'm not trying to please anyone but myself. I would consider myself an extreamly emotinally strong person. I will never let anyone hold me down. I'm really glad I'm alive and I will always rise above a bad situation. Welp that's the basics about me so l8tes

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