:.DEVAN AWESOMETINO.: profile picture


I take pictures like Jimmy Page and play guitar like Ansel Adams.....Je me demande moi-meme si j'exi

About Me

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about me.....thats a good question. idk. im pretty mellow but hyper at times. i love anime and anything cute! i really like to draw anime and i like anything that deals with anime. im a huge liberal/ activist. i do what i believe is right. I've been protesting since i was nineteen months old. that shows the extent of my ghettoness. my parents and I are the definition of "hippies". no joke. im really into photography. maybe it will be my profession someday. but, right now, i have to focus on getting out of High School. which is mad ghetto in every aspect. idk........i wanna learn how to fly or shoot lazers out of my eyes. thats me in a nut shell. oh yeah, im single now, if you wanna fanta call me. lolzAIM baka15kun : : : : : : :
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My Interests

pimp myspaceOMG. . .this is tooooo funny. . ... p.s.. . .this is what happens when 17 year olds play with dolls. . =3 EW THOUGH. . . . . its soooooo wrongggg. . ..hahahhahha but still funny

I'd like to meet:

Random Questions Your Friends Need To Know:

1. Do you have any pets? yes
2. Do you believe in karma? yup. it'll bit ya in the ass
3. Any tattoos are piercing? no. im a loser
4. Who do you know tells the best jokes? uh, like everyone but me. i kind of suck.
5. Have you ever given money to a bum? yeah. but it turns out he wasnt a bum. he got pissed
6. In your opinion, what has been the best invention? the coffee pot. i love coffee
7. What is the dumbest invention? pocket blender. useless
8. Is your room messy? very
9. What is the worst injury you ever had? idk. all of em were pretty bad.
10. What movie do you know all the lines to? Mel Brook's HISTORY OF THE WOLRD. lolz
11. What is the last movie you saw? Dumb and dumberer
12. How many times a month do you go to the movies? eh maybe 3
13. What is your favorite animal? the TIGER. Raaaawr
14. What color are your bed sheets? celestial and navy blue
15. Is your hair naturally straight or curly? it does what it wants. thats why i straighten it.
16. What is the video game that you kick ass at? Halo I & II. kick ASS and Guitar Hero. Dont listen to what Fred says. He's just in denial of my awesomeness
17. If you could punch one person who would it be? Fred. and I do
18. Do you watch cartoons? um. yeah. thats what im all about. ANIME!
19. Do you like Starbucks—or do you think it's just overpriced? eh. i like their caramel frappachinos.
20. What is your favorite smell? fresh laundry. mmmmmm
21. Favorite Batman? Batman begins. it came out on my birthday.
22. What would you do if a random person offered you candy? take it and trrow it at them. or be nice and take it but dont eat it.
23. Are you for capital punishment? no. not unless they deserve it
24. Do you swear? like a sailor if you piss me off
25. Do you believe in the supernatural? totaly
26. Do you like to drive fast? dude, i dont have my permit yet. i think i might keep it that way.
27. Have you ever had braces? no.
28. Favorite Ninja Turtle? all of them. whats not to like about 4 life sized turtles named after the greatest Italian Artsists ever? seriously though.
29. Have you ever eaten spam? spam, spam, spammy spam spam!
30. Do you own a pair of big sunglasses? yeah. that way, my whole face doesnt get sunburned.
31. What is one thing you actually remember from kindergarten? eating the art supplies. glitter, glue, paint, markers, crayons.
32. Have the cops ever taken you home? no.
33. Have you ever hit a deer? no. i take pictures of them on the side of the road when theyre dead though
34. Have you ever gone to class drunk? i admit it, yes.
35. What color is your room? light blue. but i have pictures pasted on the walls so you cant see it
36. Are you taller than your mom? no. she still has about an inch on me
37. Beer or liquor? beer before liquor, ur gunna get sicker. liqor before beer, ur in the clear
38. What would you do if a leprechaun jumped out of the bushes and took your wallet? kick his dumb head off his midget shoulders. probably kick him in the balls too.
39. What is the ugliest color to wear in your opinion? puke green/yellow. <--- self explanitory
40. What kind of car do you drive? a little tykes one. i dont drive yet. im a loser
41. What kind of cell phone do you have? a cherry chocolate! woot woot!
42. Is their any animal that creeps you out? spiders when theyre on me. if there in a cage like my taranchula, im ok
43. Do you own an iPod? How many songs are on it? yeah. idk. a lot but i need more
44. Ever been in a car accident? yeah
45. Would you be a ninja or a pirate oooo.......tough choice. probably a ninja.
46. What is your most overused word/statement? go die. actually, i use all my words/ phrases equally
47. What is the funniest word you have ever heard? wonkey eye. lolz. dan said that and i almost peed my pants.
48. Do you hate it when people call you ‘dear’? kind of, but not really
49. What cartoon character are you most like? setsuna sakurazaki from negima! and a little like Paru Haruna from Negima!
50. Can you drive a stick? i can throw a stick.....
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You don't know the meaning of random. 50 Q's
Do you have cheese whiz in your pants?: um....who told you?
Have you ever eaten anything plastic?: yeah. I ate a plastic toy.. not cool.
What do you like to do with bubble wrap?: *POP*. . . .it
Would you consider yourself short?: eh. I USED to be tall in like 5th grade. now everyone is taller than I. booo
Is your mom fat?: no. vuluptuous. not fat
Do you know what a Tralfamadorian is?: oh y yes!
Does the light attract you in like a moth?: kinda. but not really. i like the dark.
Have you ever heard of the band Stellar Kart?: nope
What do you want for your next birthday?: um, an apple orchard with panda minions.!
When was the last time you sat on Santa's lap?: um. ok. that was like last year and i got paid at the club to do it ok? its called a lap dance. . .
Do you think you have an accent?: yeah. friggin Brooklyn meets LonGUYland.
Are you from Texas?: uh nerpe.
Have you ever touched a moose?: nope. i wish.
Why do blind people wear watches?: hahah. idk. thats a good question though.
What size pants do you wear?: 4-5-6. depending on the holiday. lolz im a 5
What is your favorite comic strip in the paper?: mutz and pickles
Have I asked for your name yet?: no u have not. its Devan Tiger Passantino
Do you think I really care what your name is, anyways?: um. . . . . . .no. . . .ouch
How many electronic things are there in the room you're in?: a lot! 1...2...3.....15.
How many bugs have you killed today?: none. i dont kill anything. Buddhist. ^_^
Are you older than your best friend?: yeah. I am. word
Can you belch the ABCs?: no. i can my name though.
Is there anything orange within ten feet of you?: yes! my tennis raquet and case. and shirt.
If you were paid one million dollars, would you kill somebody?: yeah. i'd do it.
Have you ever saved money in a shoe?: yeah. and i put it in my sox too.
How about in a sock?: ^^^wow. i just said that
If you had a cow, what would you name it?: Cow. anh probably spot
How would you react if you inherited Bill Gates' money?: i would faint. and then regain conciousness and go SHOPPING!
What is that smell in the air?: ew. i think my brother farted...lolz
Do you live in California?: no.
Have you ever been to Japan?: I WISH
Do you own a tutu?: hahha. no. i shoudl though.
Do you own a fish?: yeah. His name is Muffin
What's your favorite jungle animal?: Tiger. RAWR.
Do you like Gabriel Iglesias?: NO. I like Gabriel Galifinakis though.
What comes to mind when I say the name 'Alexis'?: . . . onfire. ALEXISONFIRE
Do you know how to play football?: yeah. im a friggin amazin quarterback
Is your dad addicted to golf?: hahha no.
Can your mother dance?: yes she can!
How many children does your oldest relative have?: idk. a lot pobably.
Aren't kids just so cute?: . . . .no. i hate kids. i tolerate them
Don't you think animals are better than children?: yes!!!
Do you like starburst?: yeah. pink and yellow
How about skittles?: yeah. i got one stuck up my nose once
Would you ever dye your hair crayon yellow?: yeah. probably
Do you have a credit card?: i did....not anymore....bad memories
Have you ever been handcuffed?: . ... . ..who told you?lolz
Do you watch game shows?: yeah, Jeopardy rox
Are you white?: another good question. most believe that i am Black. i am not COMPLETLY white...
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80 question thing

80 Things You Might Not Know About Me Whats your middle name?TigerHow big is your bed?a twin. but i have a trundle with another twin. so when i put em together. i have a twin twin.What are you listeni...
Posted by :.DEVAN AWESOMETINO.: on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 12:07:00 PST