Religion is a bunch of bullshit, nothing but brainwashing. they try to keep you so scared of doing bad and they maky you think "god" will solve it all? live life as it does, dont try to be perfect because it will all just fuck you in the end when ur dying and your thinking about all you did in the younger days, WOW doesnt that sound fun? sitting at home reading the FUCKING BIBLE doing everything u can do to not sin? FUCK THAT.. this all just came to me about new years eve of 07-08, right after my uncle died of a brain anurism,when i found out the church told his son(my cousin) the reason your dad died is because youve commited adultry BY LISTENING TO AND PLAYING YNGWIE MALMSTEEN ON HIS GUITAR??? AND THAT YNGWIE IS A SATAN WORSHIPER?!?! FUCK THAT, THAT IS THE BIGGEST CROCK OF SHIT I HAVE HEARD IN MY WHOLE LIFE!