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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"people brocoli" is a hip new event for youngsters based on cheap sexual thrills, the circus and a willingness to hug in new and exciting ways.

My Interests

Graphic design, Food, Lego, sculpture, jumping about, drawing and observing, DIY in alternative contexts, Sexy parties, poker, Activity, drawing with felt tip pens, advertising slogans such as cillit bang and anything good from the 40's, 50's or 60's

Oddities and reflections on life combined

The ambassadors poker table. And yes, Ferrero Rocher was served.

I'd like to meet:

The inventor of lego (do you think he has a house made out of lego with lego cups and a lego stanna stair lift 'cos he's quite old now but true to the lego cause, even if it breaks he can re-build it with all blue blocks or have a hand coming out of the side cos he's cool and do you think he made a working drawbridge to his house out of technic just so kids would come and point and look at it in awe so that the magic of lego never dies? If he hasn't done this then he should or I shall lose all respect for him). Also Some dude who sprayed a dog turd gold so I could give him a high five. Zach Galifianakis on his farm, in his cape, on his tractor. storytellers. the right side of a hearty laugh. people with a spark in their eyes, a twinkle in their toes and gumption in their design. one who owns mahogany items and many leather bound books. Someone in a world of my own. Someone in their own world. a door in ajar. betty botter (she bought some butter, but she said it's bitter butter...Betty better buy a bit of better butter or I'll batter her bottie) and a man who makes bitter.


Now that I got a new drum kit from liz... I would like some suggested drumming examples or music with kick arse drumming.


Being There (Peter sellers, 1980) Old Boy, Spring Summer Autumn Winter and Spring Again.., studio ghibli stuff, shoulin soccer, Alien! Aliens! Predator! Anything with aliens! "mostly they come out at night........ mostly" (but not Alien Vs Predator or Mission to Mars). dogma film making.... Short films at 2 o'clock in the morning on channel 4!, home movies, anything made by someone I know and with me in it, yeah yeah yeah! School of Rock, Nacho libre! Banana's by woody allen (watch it!), adverts! anything from the 60's, stuff in reverse, this is the wrong place but i'm on a roll! peanut butter, Anchorman "not Anchor lady!", felt tip pens, any kind of creative animation, the title sequence to Napoleon Dynamite, Arnold "have you left enough room for my fiiist?! 'COS I'M GOING TO UHRAM IT INTO YOUR STOOMACH!!!" Schwarzenegger.


Bukowski, Comic books:Mignola, Jeffrey Brown, Sam Hiti, Cook Books,


Batman, Bearded fellows, bearded ladies with the confidence not to shave,

My Blog

33 hours untill hand in

I am critically assessing all the spacing in the typography on every product in the kitchen. Not for fun or work, but because I am "the graphic deranger". Man, I can only see in percentages of CMYK. I...
Posted by jack on Thu, 10 May 2007 06:44:00 PST

Things you realise when your computer breaks down.

The day is actually quite long. people come in 3D and you don't even have to buy 3D glasses or a copy of Loaded "with 3D boobs". I'm breathing more. My toenails are too long. Myspace is not big and it...
Posted by jack on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 04:36:00 PST

Storytime: the Bodigglejangle (a musclebound lovestory)

gather round children. I'm here to tell the story of the bodigglejangle. A mystical beast of the southern shores of a distant land named archibald where children were the size of chickenberries and me...
Posted by jack on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 06:33:00 PST

ask a diabetic

What the crap is diabetes?!?!"Ow! my pancreas hurts!" What is a pancreas anyway? and who cares? Diabetics, that's who!The pancreas is a bit of an anticlimax when bought up in conversation really, like...
Posted by jack on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 09:52:00 PST