im interested in women....and i like games...lots of those who know what it is....and i love comedy..and stand up comedy..SEINFELD...DANE COOK...MITCH HEDBERG
hmm...well id like to meet Al Capone and John Gotti....who wouldnt...and Adolf Hitler because he dances to 99 red ballons hahaha thats for peaches..and of course DANE COOK!!!!!! "I love justice...and i love files...and when the two come together..i could blow a justicy load"..and the late great MITCH HEDBERG.R.I.P.
wellll...of course The Notorious B.I.G.......WU TANG WU TANG WU TANG...SNOOOOOOOOOOOOP.....Dip Dip Set Set....anyone from NY...because the dirty south is Doo Doo....and of couse The Boss Hog Outlawz..Slim Thugg.........then,....we gotta go House...Ferry Corsten...Tiesto...Groove Coverage...Joe Drust..Mark Oliver....for those who dont know its not all called TECHNOOOO we gotta go Gangsta...just about anything with Will Farrel except elf ...elf sucked..Revenge of the Nerds is one of the best...along with Clerks..Goodfellas, Casino...and u cant forget Scarface
**Anonymous**for some reason i just didnt think i would be good enough for u XxaLcApOnE1426xX: why do u say that? **Anonymous**: i dno.. cuz ur billy and ur older and ur billy.. oh and did i forget to mention ur billy?
Al Capone...yes its a little wierd but still....hence my aim xxalcapone1426xxYour Birthdate: July 5 You have many talents, and you are great at sharing those talents with others. Most people would be jealous of your clever intellect, but you're just too likeable to elicit jealousy. Progressive and original, you're usually thinking up cutting edge ideas. Quick witted and fast thinking, you have difficulty finding new challenges.Your strength: Your superhuman brainpowerYour weakness: Your susceptibility to boredomYour power color: TangerineYour power symbol: AceYour power month: May