About Me
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I am a transplant from the Deep South to the TC area. I'm still trying to figure you Yankees out!
I'm generally very easy-going, but pretty intense when something grabs my interest. I am wide open: I speak my mind and try to do so honestly. I am extremely passionate, sometimes to a fault: I'm short-tempered and prone to fits of cursing, even at inanimate objects that vex me. I like puzzles and problem-solving and tend to think unconventionally when confronted with a problem. I love reading, writing, and science. I'm kind of a jokester; I have a filthy sense of humor, but I also appreciate subtle humor. I like wine (in the poetic sense: this includes premium red wine, beer, tequila, vodka, and Scotch) and love women (in the literal sense!). I like cycling and mountain biking (which I can only do part of the year here in the tundra) as well as any other outdoor activity. I like cooking and love eating. I get mad when I see injustice and intolerance. I like helping people, but sometimes I spend too much time helping myself. Politically, I'm lefty.
I work as a consultant for a medical software firm. The job is fast-paced, stressful, highly visible, and rewarding. There is extensive interaction with people, which I enjoy, as well as a strong technical requirement. It requires me to travel quite a bit, and that can mean anywhere from Amsterdam or Hawaii to West Des Moines. I take a great deal of pride in what I do and have been very successful.Nature
The Outdoors