Time travel, Bodybuilding, History Traveling the world, Languages, Socializing, Jiujitsu, Soccer (fotbol), movies, nusic, socializing science, poetry, animals, nature
Anyone carasmatic, intelligent, inspiring, or otherwise interesting. People from the future.
Bush. Glycerine is their best song. Trance, techno, dance, euro-dance, house, electronica, alternative, modern rock, classic hip-hop (90's) Rave tracks Tiesto Oakenfold Röyksopp Fisherspooner Alice Deejay Sonique ATB Darude...
TOP GUN - Where'd he go? Wher'd who go? Braveheart, Gladiator, anything with brilliant acting and an original plot. Doinnie Darko, imageinary heroes anything SCI-FI
Documentaries or South Park, History Channel, Science Channnel, National Geographic, or Comedy Central.
Howard Zinn's A people's history of the United States Arnold's "Education of a Bodybuilder" Tom Clacny novels
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Markus Ruhl, anyone who votes green party