passing the wine across the table & hugging good friends.
Neil Armstrong*Pontius Pilate*James Lenman*The Average Man*Woody Allen*Moses*Elvis*Audrey Hepburn*The person who delivered me @ my birth*Oscar Schindler*Michel Thomas*Roberto Begnini*Wily Wonka*The Man From Milk Tray*Ben or Jerry*Mickey Rourke*Diego Armando Maradona*Clement Atlee*Brian Epstien*John Lennon*Cassius Clay*Travis Bickle*Rupert Pupkin*Luca Brazi*Fat Clemenza*Tessio*Jake Le Motta*Harry Fabian*Serpico*Eric Cantona*Joe Banks* Batman*Superman*Spiderman*David Brent (well, not really, prefer to watch)*Prince*Otis Redding*Robert Johnson*Jaco Pastorius*The inventor of the Wheel*Tolluland Man*Albert Einstien*Sir Issac Newton*Da Vinci (minus the code)*Adam*Spartacus*Eve*Danger Mouse*Socrates (The Footballer)*The Other One (just for continuity, not really that interested)*Q*M*007*Roy of the Rovers*Tintin*Dean Martin*Carl Lewis*Bjorn Borg*Myself in thirty years time*Ceasar (The salad bloke)*The Other One (Who Owns the Palace)*Indiana Jones*My Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandparents*