NakedWhiteDeviL profile picture


InsAnity AT iTs FineST

About Me

My Interests

FRIENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough.--Michigan FRIENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say, "Bitch, you better drink the rest of that shit, you know we don't waste. That's alcohol abuse!!!" HAHAHAHA !!!!------------------------------- FRIENDS: Will say "I can't handle Tequila anymore".--Michigan FRIENDS: Will say "okay, just one more..." and then 2 minutes later "okay, just one more!".---------------------------FRIENDS: Would knock on your door.--Michigan FRIENDS: Walk right in and say, "I'm home!"-----------------------------------------FRIENDS: Are happy that someone picked up a one night stand and leave them alone.--Michigan FRIENDS: Will Crawl naked into the room with a camera and hope for the tag team.---------------------------------------FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.--Michigan FRIENDS: Will be sitting next to you saying, Damn...that shit was fun "

I'd like to meet:

Sarah Silverman Blasts Paris Hilton

Posted Jun 04, 2007

Sarah Silverman takes a dig at Paris Hilton at the MTV Movie Awards, and the entire crowd laughs at the jail-bound heiress' expense.


Everything, Hard muzik that makes you want to break something, but i cant stand the shit that you cant understand if they are screaming or singing. i like that rap bullshit, but not that nigger, nigger muzik. and hell i like music that i let my daughters listen to, but only in small amounts.


Monsters is a must, i love those good vilians that make peoples skin crawl. mostly a movie that shows that people out thier still have an imagination peek my intrest.


PORN, D&D shit, Graphic novels.


The tattooed FREAKS that scream F.T.W., mostly people who are not afraid to stand outside the crowd. Your results:
You are Iron Man Iron Man 100% The Flash 90% Robin 75% Green Lantern 75% Catwoman 70% Spider-Man 60% Batman 60% Hulk 60% Supergirl 50% Wonder Woman 35% Superman 25% Inventor. Businessman. Genius.
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