In pace requiescat, Our fallen hero. {V} profile picture

In pace requiescat, Our fallen hero. {V}

I am here for Friends

About Me

2/3/08 :)
I love Arkayde Louise Hancock

My name is Jerry...
Even though I don't show it, there is a lot more to me than most people know...
I don't talk to any of my friends that still do drugs and smoke and shit. I'm tired of it...
I almost never cry...
I almost never talk about my problems, so if I tell you any of them, I really trust you to keep it between me and you...
If you break that trust I won't be forgiving you soon after...
I'm not one to hold a grudge, unless it is something very serious...
I know how to play bass, guitar, and keyboard, but I prefer bass more than any other instrument...
I play bass for my band Monochrome...
I don't think there is a god...
I hate having people push their religion on me...
I get bored pretty easily but it doesnt take much to keep me entertained...
I really don't know what else to write...
if you care to know more message me...

My Interests

Girls, Bass, Music, shit like that
.. ..

I'd like to meet:

I've met her.


Songs are almost done, we just need some new equipment before we record.

Mostly metal and rock... My 4 favorite bands are Trapt, Marilyn Manson, Black Sabbath, and Ozzy.


Horror and Comedy.


whatever is on.




CODY is more of a hero to me than anybody else i have ever met. Cody was the kind of person that didn't think about how bad he had it. He didn't think about why we should all feel bad for him. He just helped us all out when we needed it. Even if we just needed it a little. Cody always had a smile on his face, he was always joking around, he was always playing guitar. Cody wasn't like the heroes you read about in comic books and shit. He didn't fight supervillains, he didn't save the world or anything like that. Cody did more. Cody fought something that he knew he was going to lose to, he fought it almost alone just because he didn't want everyone to worry about him. Cody was always there to talk about your problems, about who you like, about anything. Cody never liked to be treated special because of his cancer, he never liked people to stare at his leg, he never even asked to be given anything special because of his leg. I could go on for so long about all the memories i have of cody. All the times we hung out, all the things we talked about, all of our inside jokes, anything. Cody was the one person i could come to talk to about any problems i had, same for alot of us. Now that he is gone, we don't have anyone to come to, and that's because he was so caring, he didn't even need to think about what to say when someone was sad, it was like he just always knew. Nobody is going to forget that little one legged kid that would come up with corny jokes, that would help us when we were down, that would just talk to us when we were bored, but i'm gonna remember a kid that would come up with plans for when we'd grow up and how we'd go on a road trip and become famous. I'll remember a kid that wanted to make a comic book with you so you could maybe make fifty cents on each one. I'm gonna remember that kid i just sat with one day for no real reason at lunch in seventh grade, but hit it off with me immediately. I'm gonna remember a kid that for the past two years wasn't just my role model, but my best friend. Nobody can ever take away the lessons he taught me through his life, through his death, and even through the time after his death. None of us will ever come up to par with the incredible things he's done for this world, from inspiring a charity that gives terminal kids an extra wish if they want it, to teaching us that life is precious, and that we shouldn't do something stupid, because you'll never know what's coming next. Cody isn't just my hero. He's my inspiration, my role model, my friend, and someone who was like a brother to me. I love you cody. Goodbye.
3:52 p.m.
Gone but not forgotten.A little peice i wrote about him...
at 3:52 pm, the world lost someone that always looked on the bright side that worried about others before himself never sulked never cried about all the shit he dealt with on 9/29/07 something happened that alot of us will never forget something that has and still remains fresh in our minds.something happened to someone who was great.someone who would take everything in stride.someone that would stand up for us if we needed it.someone that would never let us down.although his passing was peaceful, it still remains in our minds as unfair.we all still remember him as the kid he was as the kid he was going to be.he loved to do so many things from guitar to playing on the computer to hanging out with family and friends he was 15 years brave as a superhero as brave as superman or spiderman or whoever you can think of.we can take solace knowing that what he left was great he had a loving family loving friends.he accomplished his dreams playing a live gig owning his dream guitar meeting his favorite guitarist meeting his favorite band he got to go to hawaii and he was happy.he knew it was coming but he embraced it.he fought what he knew he couldn't beat something none of us can say we'd do.when he knew he had finally lost his battle he told us he was sorry not for anything in particular, but for anything he had ever possibly done to hurt us.he only asked one thing, he asked that we make him proud he asked that we do what he doing this, he asked a lot from us.he asked us to care for others when they needed it, he asked us to be grateful for what we had, he asked us to make smart choices our entire life, no matter how hard.he asked us to look at things from other people's point of view he asked us to push ourselves aside and do what was right he asked us to do more than i could ever even begin to list.he knew that he didn't have much time but only told a few people and made them swear not to tell so nobody would worry, when things got their darkest this person didn't once think once that they were so.that he had it worse than most that he couldn't be happy.nobody can ever be the same as him nobody can ever take his place in our hearts.he was more than just a kid to hang out with to most of us he was our support system he was our hope he was what we needed in a friend he was the kid that had terrible jokes but still somehow made them funny he was more than just a kid to most of us he was more than we could have asked for in a friend he would forgive us for anything he would never turn his back on us he would never stop thinking about those close to him he would never stop caring.things have been harder with out him what's been only a few months feels as though it's an eternity.he was a boy who came in to our lives and turned everything upside down he was a boy who came in to our lives and changed our perspective on everything he was a boy who came in to our lives and put a smile on our faces every day he was a boy who came in to our lives who sadly came out of it shortly after.he was a boy who came in to our lives and didn't know what was going to soon happen but he didn't worry when he found out.he was there for his friends.for his loved ones.from the beginning to the end he was always there.many of us think about him constantly some of us think about him seldomly but everyone who knew him thinks about him.everyone thinks about different things when they think of him, maybe they think of little inside jokes, or maybe they think of a time where he's helped them but there isn't much bad that we can think of him.another month has gone by, and we still aren't over his loss another month goes by, and we still think about him constantly.another month goes by, and we still aren't the same people we used to be.another months goes by, and we start to figure out that we're not going to get over his loss.we start to figure out that we're always going to think about him constantly.we start to figure out that we will never be the same people we used to his loss, a lot of us matured.a lot of us were forced to grow up and become much wiser almost instantly.he taught us a lot through his passing he taught us to make every moment count he taught us to never, ever let our dreams die, he taught us to never forget about the people who change our lives he taught us that in the hardest of times, the best comes out in some people he taught us that we must cherish everything we have he taught us that there are still good people out there he taught us that we should always keep trying and he taught us to do something much more than any of those.he taught us to hold our loved ones close, because they can be taken from us in an instant at 3:52 p.m.on september 29, 2007, the world lost someone special someone that would cuss in his sleep someone that would take his leg off and let you borrow it for fun someone that you could talk to when you were sad no matter how bad he had it someone that i can honestly say was the best friend i've ever had.someone that most of us can say is the best person we've ever met someone that we could go on forvever writing about someone that we have many memories with.the world lost someone who was honest kind caring smart outgoing helpful funny friendly a great person all around a fallen hero-Jerry Funt