Crodomy is a one man band from Adelaide, South Australia.
So far 4 songs have been made:
- Mustard Gas for the Emo's
- Emo Rape
- The Gorebar
- Rally the Minotar's (vocals done by Johnny)
A Crodomy EP is to be coming out soon.
Crodomy also has up-coming projects with:
- Aznohkantzer
- Cum Vomet
- Cumskin Vometfloods
- N.U.R.S.E
- Whoregrind
Many others.
***NOTE***Currently... there have been many problems and distractions and complications which have placed Crodomy far back with work so thankyou all for being patient.
Crodomy is Unsigned, but sponsored. So if anyone is willing either to Sponsor or even Sign, please do contact me.