After all the dust has settled, this is me. Whether standing or lying face down in the dirt, this is me. I can̢۪t make any promise that I will be able to weather any storm, nor can I speak with any bravado in my voice because, to be completely honest, I̢۪m not confident. I̢۪ve tasted defeat and have had gluttonous portions of crow; all I can conclude from those experiences is that I̢۪ve discovered my least favourite dishes. If I had any say, I would never have another helping of either one for the rest of my life.
I can̢۪t promise you that I will never falter.
I can̢۪t promise you that I will never let you down.
I can̢۪t promise you that I will always be there for you.
Because I can̢۪t predict the future and I am merely finite.
All I can promise you is that I will try my absolute best and hope you all keep me accountable. That̢۪s all I can say.
Because after the dust settles, this is me; standing victorious or face-down in defeat.
This is me.