alex profile picture


Notice: no serivce will be provided at this bar to anyone on a horse

About Me

I've given up trying to plan the future. I love being in love, and I dont believe in love at first sight. I love my brothers more than they will ever know. I hate the sound of bathroom fans. I hold water in my mouth for a long time before swallowing it. I am addicted to Sudoku and race emily all the time. I have a terrible fear of tornados. I am EXTEMEMLY competitive and a sore loser. Laughing is my favorite thing to do...especially during awkward silences. I cant sleep if my hair is tickling my face. I love hugs and hate sloppy kisses. I DO care if you dont like me. I love pictures. I have an uncontrollable habit of playing with my hair. I cannot stay mad long, mainly because I forget why I'm mad, and it just seems like a waste of energy. I hate when people wear sunglasses inside. I hate pumping gas. I love how weird life can be. Oh and I want a goldfish.

My Interests

laughing, my job, eating emily's peanut butter-coolwhip-banana delights, sunny days, pictures, traveling, playing tennis, my family, funky jewelry,watching panther football, nordstrom, drunk dancing, laughing, rain boots, my dog Bailey, water sports, laying in bed with the girls after a long night while trying to piece together the night before, my beautiful niece, and daydreaming about what the future may hold

I'd like to meet:

benjamin franklin, so I can tell Emily all about him



I like pretty much anything but scary movies. I will NOT watch a scary movie with you, so dont even ask.


Photos From the Dominican Republic...


And in the Front Row we have: Madonna, and the Spartan Cheerleaders. In the Back row we have Brad Pitt, Father Belange, Chuck Noland (played by Tom Hanks), and Wilson center


My mom proves to me more and more everyday to be one of the strongest, most marvelous people in the world. And my dad is one of the smartest people on the face of this earth. My brothers are all so different and so perfect in everyway. Emily amazes me everyday with how she can laugh at anything and with how many dreams she has for herself-and I know she will make them all happen. Emily C is also definitely one of my biggest heros-she is amazing and the strongest person I have ever met. Basically I am surrounded by my

My Blog

Read this If you wanna SMILE

A friend e-mailed this to me and I had to put it up for everyone...TOO funny and SO true! ...... Anybody under the age of 15 should not read this, and if you do, you should not repost this.Just becaus...
Posted by alex on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 07:34:00 PST