music production. politics . poker. cats . old fenders. road trips. organic foods. loud music. quiet music . days off . global economics . fair trade . honesty . pushing the boundrys of what is expected in this thing we call life .
fashionable consumers
DnB. electro . indie rock. funk . dub . soul sonic youth. broadcast.explosions in the seed cast. rjd2. dinosaur jr. clap your hands say yeah. fugazi. archers of loaf. seBADoh . pavement. the verialtra revival. mav . calibre . pendulam. the frogs. radio freindly unit shifter . the frogs . silver apples .granndady. of montreal . metro area . tosca . daft punk . limewax . gein. tekdubs. spore. nk. autechre . boards of canada . aburn lull. fashionable consumers . and good hip hop, im just out of date ;p click banner to by my music- i work as NaturalKauses and heres some more come on buy em!
eternal sunshine for the spotless mind . being john malcavitch . fargo . american movie . the corporation .thumsucker . bottle rocket . broken flowers . blacula . kungfu shit . i really can go on forever...and im lasy and have bad spelling so why go on
haha box
greg palyst
john lennon