Hi my name is Attaway, I'm 23 years old and most of all I am a CHRISTIAN (Chris-tian n. A believer and FOLLOWER of the teachings of Jesus.). I was not born a Christian and did not become a christian until very recently. I came to know God in 98' as a teenager, still not a Christian. For I was saved and I did believe, but I did not follow. Not knowing what it was to truly be a Christian, not even where to start. Now I can say it and mean it, "I AM A CHRISTIAN".
One thing I must push, I don't have all the answers and I don't know the quick fix remedy to change all of our lives over night. All I can tell you is My world has been turned upside down and it is a life now filled with love and a promise of salvation only obtained through Jesus Christ. So now let us that are Christians stand firm in our faith and truly believe and follow Jesus. No longer letting people make a mockery of our Lord by claiming to be Christians and choosing to live life how ever they please. A way we can do this is by being an example, putting away all of the selfish and self seeking ways of our past and focus on what matters most. That being Jesus Christ, his love and sacrifice so that all may be saved and turn away from the evils of this world. So join me my brothers and sisters as I take the next step in my life to share his love and his word with the whole world, by following him.