I have a very sarcastic nature which some people mistake as meaness, but I'm really just a down ass chick that likes to make people laugh. I am the epitome of Scorpio. I work full time. I like to dance. I love to travel. Contrary to popular belief, I hate shopping. Ihate feet even more. I'm STUBBORN. I like my steak medium rare. I'maddicted to anything peach flavored. I'm a thrillseeker (hello adrenaline). Impulsive is my middle name. After all these years being of legal drinking age, I am finally becoming accustomed to the taste of beer, turning into a wine snob, but SoCo and Coke will always be my poison. I smoke and curse too much in moderation. The quickest way to piss me off is to stare at me. Any questions, just "aks". Take that and rewind it back...
Can I Do You ?
...Oh, I'm sorry, you don't understand...
I mean, can I do you mentally?
Can I massage your mind? Make love to your mental
as I sex your intellect and wreck your cranium with crescent waves of cerebral orgasms and brain spasms?
See, I want you spiritually and mentally; No need to rush for the bed.
I want to undress your mind and come inside your head
and connect with you on the soul water's deepest
levels of your intellect.
'Cause the mind is the most powerful, hypnotic,
intoxicating, and narcotic force in the universe.
So when we converse, exercising the mind, expanding and challenging its thought capacity,
it's like the greatest and most natural aphrodisiac of all-time foreplay of the mind.
And that intellectual and sexual gratification
that follows last longer; and we can forever bask
in the afterglow of this spiritual and mental
consummation, and we don't even have to take
our clothes off.
So baby, now that you understand....
Can I do you?
Can I Do You ?