***I delight in painting, writing, reading and hiking. I take joy in conversing with the like minded & profound....The true dark realist & none conformist! And enjoy taking in the different sceneries of nature; the four seasons in all their glory...! This combined with unique sounds of the underground Scandinavian music for me is perfection itself. It's my private dark paradise!!! Some of my favorite activities include reading, writing short prose and poetry, and hiking. And when hiking I seek secluded pastors & cliffs near running spring. I enjoy conversing with dark select few, equal to my perception & depth. But above all purpose here is social and political activity to rise up the sad sleeping lot!!!***Books********************************************** ** All the European, American and Persian Classics, Yet my particular interest always seem steer toward Henry William Thoreau, Nathaniel Hawthorns, Edgar Alan Poe and Oscar Wilde's works******** Some valuable reading of recent times has been the dark masterpiece trilogy written by C. S. Friedman that has set my heart’s campus a long time now. These books I call my bible…and they begin with "Black Sun Rising," followed by "When True Night Falls," and at last concluding with The "Crown of Shadows." These are the three crowning achievement to the dark fantasy fiction genera!!! I highly recommend these readings for anyone interested in Dark music and for those that are intrigued by the sobering effect of fantasy fiction that holds realistic a mirror to true dark nature of mankind!*******Movies*************************************** ******** The Past: In the very early 90's...â€Dracula the series†with Jordie Johnson, “She Wolf of Londonâ€, “Friday the Thirteenth†and “Dark Shadows Revisited†with Ben Cross and Joanna Going. The other is early Nineties Vamp inspired series “Forever Night.†Another mid nineties favorite is “The Sentinel.â€***My favorite show of all times however remains… as the short run series in the mid nineties called "Lonesome Dove, the Outlaw Years"!!!!*** The Present: My recent favorite worthwhile shows to catch are Smallville, Supernatural, Frasier, the comedy "That 70's Show," Euro news and of course Head Bangers Ball.... These are the very few shows that I enjoy viewing that aren’t a waste of time!!! ***My favorite movies, the first that come to mind are "Francis Ford Coppola's, Bram Stoker's Dracula" and "Immortal Beloved, The Professional, all of which Gary Oldman stars in!!! *** Others include The Fountain, Ravenous, The kingdom of Heaven, Dark Prince and finally the ode to the Scandinavian pre- Christian legend “Dark Kingdom†and “The Thirteenth Warrior!!!â€Music****************************************** ******* Underground European music... My interest ranges from Atmospheric Black metal… Emperor, Gorgoroth, Enslaved... to Gothic metal like that of Theater of Tragedy and Within Temptation, Leaves Eyes, Peccatum.... Love Melodic Death metal like that of Dismember, Amon Amarth and Children of Bodom... Love old Grind Core politically charged, in your face bands like Carcass. And Finnish Melodic Folk metal like that of Amorphis & Finntroll. And at last is the Guttenberg Sound displayed by bands like At the Gates, Dark Tranquility and Inflames!!! There is some American music that holds an enduring appeal for me as well: Alice in Chain, old Soundgarden, Megadeth, Garbage, Nirvana, Fear factory and underground favorites like Six feet under, Morbid Angel, and Cannibal Corps, Hypocrisy, Sepultura and Type O! This is evidenced in the different vary of music videos that I have posted up!!! I particularly relish old masterpieces... Or as I call it, the music that set the standards for all good music!!!! This music is comprised of European classical symphonies composed by masters like Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Sebastian Basque, as well as some Classical Persian Folk music!!!
I seek dark, brilliant & prolific persons who truly question things and do not scribe to accepting fiction or incomplete truths as facts!!! I seek those with enough conviction to oppose common thinking, person who truly thinks for themselves and shows it in every action, even in their musical interests… I would like to meet someone who seeks to learn, to discover every aspect of our existence, the grey truths that encompass the left and right paths...! A person who questions the good, the right thinking, and the right way of living and seeks a dark path true to their heart. I respect those who have enough candor to voice their most unique views, while striving to go against their human nature and remain unbiased and just. I seek an introverted & private person who in every aspect of life strives to think, really think outside of the box! I seek the like minded who strives to think outside societal norms while having enough sense to maintain a sense of personal integrity, decency and civility about them. I believe in the nobility of action rather than the pretension of aspiring to one's principles in theory only...! In other words…words are plentiful…. Dime a dozen and cheap! Yet the clavier of a noble act is priceless! Though, like most… the appeal of physical beauty also bares a blind influence on me,…The rare sight of a true liberated, darkly profound anti-hero with a sense of consciousness... is far more striking to me***** That dark nature with a kind heart, for me bares a far more noble appeal!******Heroes***************************************** *************** Though he is sadly fiction… As I advanced in years, my heroes became enigmatic dark anti-hero “HUNTER,†depicted by C.S Friedman in her three glories dark fantasy trilogies "Black Sun Rising," "When True Night Falls, and at last "The Crown of Shadows." A hero whose birth name is GERALD TARRENT, but his reputation has decreed him the name "THE HUNTER!!!" ***This dark enigmatic hero known as HUNTER, still remains as my true icon today! ***For anyone that likes their heroes non-typical. Those that seek a most non cliché fantasy unlike any they've ever read, one that does not insult their intelligence******Please first read "Black Sun Rising... then "When True Night Falls"...and last the best book ever "Crown of Shadows!!!"****** Again though he is sadly fiction… My second choice is rugged bad ass anti-hero John Carpenter's "Snake Plissken†in "Escape from LA!!!" Our current social climate calls for a dark hero like these…! So I find myself wishing for men like these... Enigmatic anti- hero realist, intense, edgy with unconventional manner… Who would rise up, not preach or take sides…but shut down our technologically advanced world together...! Thus rendering both sides “Good guys†and “Bad†devoid of means to establish their will on earth….Crippling them from unleashing more Wars on 3rd world counties & taking away their ability to oppress more innocent person’s through their “Evil Eye in the sky!!!â€**** Truth is, the sort of heroes I revere come in the form of ordinary people with enough conviction to oppose the common views and those who think for themselves and show it in every action and in their artistic and musical interests… I respect those who seek the grey truths, question universal truths to learn and seek discover every aspect of man's existence, the grey realities that encompass the left and right paths....My heroes questions the good, the right way of living and seeks a darker path true to their heart. My heroes are my bands who by mere existence provide the disheartened and despaired few like me with antagonistic music that strikes at the heart of conformity & annihilate new music fads in fashion. I pay homage to those who provide my heart with such dark artistry that completes and maintains my deep soul, while taking on the cold monstrosity of mainstream world, leaving its hideous false corps to rot!!!! ****My heroic musicians not only enrich my life by igniting life in to my despaired soul, but they also shame "The power that be" that bombards the sad simple minded lot… with their constant mainstream commodity. My heroes do this by offering an antidote to… denouncing the consumerism that bombards the empty minded sad idiot lot with a constant spew of new musical fads… “Hot new acts†that spit out more pop genre crap, like stinky fast food to feed stupid people! **** My heroes provide me & like minded souls, dark thought provoking music that provides healthy outlet to vent out our fury *** A way to denounce the daft world!!!!****************************
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