Dancing, cooking, oil painting, dancing, writing, dancing, kissing, dancing, public speaking, dancing, travel, and when I get a chance...I like to go dancing!Ballroom dancing is the best but I can get into just about any type of dancing. With the right partner life can be as passionate and as smooth as a nice life-long waltz!Start the music.
Anyone who needs a good friend, anyone who loves to get together with our Alabama Friends Club and go to the movies...theater...dancing...home parties!
Music depends on the mood I'm in or want to be in. If I want to feel young again I crank up the 70's and 80's tunes.If I want to remember lost loves then I put on my most sweet and slow songs like Keith Urban, Tonight I Wanna Cry.If I want to remember the best of times with my babies I crank up great songs from the Grease or Muppet Movie soundtrack and relive singing them at the top of our lungs in the car!I adore almost all kinds of music except the extremes like twangy country (the rest is great), head-banging hard rock and opera and rap. Can't do the hard core language music with senseless violence...just not me.
My all-time favorite movie is probably "Field of Dreams" because of it's emotional significance between my father and me; and a love of baseball for my kids and me.I do love the mini-series, Jesus of Nazareth and have seen it many, many times.My favorite genre of movie though (no laughing here) are chick flicks! I love a good romantic comedy ... I really do!So many other great movies though....fell in love with the musicals, action classics and about anything other than slasher movies.
TV is what I use when I want to watch a classic movie or recently adored movie or two. I so enjoy a chance to sit with my children or a friend and watch a great movie (yes, including chick flicks--right up my alley!) and catch up on the happs of life!About the only shows I ever watch on the TV is American Idol and some occasional Food Network spots (when Rachel Ray is on). lolHowever, I do love and I do mean LOVE, the Friends episodes!!!! And one of my dearest friends really turned me on to the X-File shows....I have them all now on DVD and couldn't appreciate a gift any more than my shows.Thanks Rand and Angie!
Reading was so much more of a passion for me when I had my kids at home. We would read together and often. We read classics together and loved Shakespear immensely. It was a lot of fun to read and make up our own versions of the voices for the characters. We may not have been very good at it, but we made good memories for certain!
Wow. This is tough. I wish I could say it was my Dad or something simple like that but truthfully.....it was a teacher in High School who became my Foster Father for a year. Lt. Colonel Lemuel Thomas.He opened the eyes of a very poor, uninspired young teen to a whole new world of "it's your oyster if you want to get it badly enough!" He was the very best example I had ever seen of what it took to be a man. He was compassionate, caring, loved kids but was tough with them on standards, dedicated to seeing others succeed and gracious to me when I never thought I deserved it.