J profile picture


Still Running For That Bus That I Missed Years Ago

About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorMy name is Jamie, or J to those who know better...I live in Mayfield near T Wells in Kent and, aside from a brief spell of living in France's Dordogne region, I have always live in the area.
I am a bass player of 25 years old. I have been playing for about 6 years or so and currently play for two bands. My main band is Emphatic in T Wells and my second band is Elena, who are based in London. They are both very different bands, which is why I love them. I like having to play different styles to suit different music. Ultimately, I want to get into session work and leave my mark on as many different types of music as possible. I also feel privileged to work with these uber talented people (Warren, Dave, Chloe, Elena, Ben and Joe)
Music is obvioulsy a massive part of my life. When I am not playing, I work for Fender UK, looking after the Service Department with "supremeguitarwiddlerslashtubthumpingbitch" Pete Mathers. Pete played drums, with me on bass in the Fender UK band that performed at our Christmas party recently. I am honored to work for such an incredible company and I hope my career continues that way! It feels pretty damn good to know that the majority of music today is a direct influence of the music that was played on Fender guitars! Frankly, I love my job! I mean how many companies can you work for where you are planning budgets with the GM one minute and the next, he is in rehearsal with us wailing out an off key/off time version of "You Really Got Me" by the Kinks...I mean there aren't any!
You have probably noticed that there are a few tracks on here. These are ones that I have written in my spare time. Just idea's, thoughts and a bit of fun. "Happiness" is particularly special as I wrote it for my gorgeous girlfriend, Sally (who I am crazy about!) whilst she was away in Oz. Im thinking of adding lyrics to it...watch this space.
That's me in brief. I love my bass, I love my girlfriend, I love my family, my friends and anything and anyone who inspires or influences me.
See you somewhere down the line! J

My Interests


Member Since: 2/3/2006
Band Website: emphaticmusic.co.uk
Band Members: Me...and as muchas i can do on a bass without other instruments!
Back To The Future - The Metal Version!

Tony Royster Jr - You Have To Watch This!!

Mastodon - Crytal Skull Live

This is me...apparently...just replace the horrible Ric with a Fender Jazz Bass!!

Influences: Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
Sounds Like:
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Help Me Free Paris Hilton!!!

Haha, are you fucking kidding me?? I hope she stays there!! This woman is unbelieveable!!! Apprently, she is a role model who "provides hope for young people all over the US and the world. S...
Posted by J on Wed, 09 May 2007 05:02:00 PST

My Bass...and other stuff!!

Hello! As most of you know, I am the bass player for Emphatic (Tunbrodge Wells) and Elena (London). It is a HUGE part of my life and I play/rehearse/gig pretty much every single day. I just cant put i...
Posted by J on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 05:53:00 PST

My First Blog

Hello all!! Hows everything going? I am sorry that I havent posted in a while. I have been focusing alot onmy main band and I just havent found the time to write anything. Still, its all good fun. Im ...
Posted by J on Mon, 20 Mar 2006 02:14:00 PST