Hanging out with Friends... Enjoying nature in all it's aspects... from watching grass grow . To listening to traffic.... Well I like Kiteboarding Still ... I just don't get to do much anymore.
Hmmmm.... That can really be a loaded question.... I think any-one is a good start.....Friends are your best resource!
Wide open on that one.... pretty much anything from Classical to Classic rock...Some of the favorites are DMB, Black Eyed Peas, Garbage, Offspring,Sublime, Pepper, Peter Gabriel, The Killers, Wynton Marsalis, Danny Elfman
The Matrix, Star-Wars, HitchHikers Guide to the Gallaxy, Any Disney! and Pretty Much any James Bond w/o the bad James's The good ones are Shawn C. Roder M. Pierce B.. Thomas Crown Affair, After the Sunset, Boondock Saints
Most things on Sci-Fi Channel!!! Dr.Who,Stargate sg1, Atlantis, BattleStar Galatica, TLC, Discovery, History Channel
Anything Tom Clancy,Robert Ludlum,Clive Cussler and sometimes Anne Rice