I'm Dan and I like to play the guitar. I don't like to play other's music unless it really means a lot to me. In contrast to the songs I have posted on here, I am generally a rock/blues type player. I also am self taught which, I guess, is the reason I don't like just playing covers. I won't record singing unless it has deep meaning to me and is cause for reflection and/or change. Otherwise I think the music itself has enough meaning.
About Gloria (Mom):
Born on June14, 1941, Gloria was self taught on her grandmother's Gerhart Hintzman piano as a teen and by 18 was playing for local events around Peterborough. She travelled with the EPBC ensemble and later with the Melodaires. That's when she got to sample northern ontario. She played in churches from then on as well as travelling with 'The Northernaires', raising a family and helping with her husband's business. She wrote some of her own material for choir ensembles, and sang other trio and quartet music. She recorded her own at Grand Prarie, AB in the winter of 1984 with a cast on her leg (don't ask). She continued to improve on her skills and was 'one' with her piano. Some of what was on her recording is amature compared with some of her recent playing. She was appreciated much at the local Gospel sing in Englehart. I can remember the open mouths while she took off on the 'turnaround' and showed flair never seen in a church service. We continued to be in awe of her abilities right up to her sudden death June 5, 2005.
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