Myspace Layouts at / Luck of the Irish
My name is Michelle Nicole Ramsey, I am 19 years old and live in Decatur, Ms. I was born in Bradenton florida, i am a graduate of newton county high school and want to attend Merdian Community College and major in massage therapy, I am 50% irish and abosulely love it just ask any of my friends, i have a great boyfriend who is dear to me. I was a cashier at my local walmart but quit, I live with my grandparents. My heart is consider a thousand miles wide and long..i will help anyone who needs it and is honest with me. There isnt much things in this world that i hate. i am a big girl and wiegh about 330lbs. I do want to lose some weight but not to much..anything else you want to know just message me. my aim sn is - jewelsramsey my yahoo sn is - jewels_ramseyFirst Name: Michelle
Middle Name: Nicole
Birthday: August 3, 1988
Eyes: bluish green
Hair: redish auburn
Fav color: red and green
Day/Night: night
Fave Food: mayo
Do you ever wish you had another name? yes...michelle is way to common..i want something not heard that much.
Do you like anyone? boyfriend
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Sera
Who's the loudest? Sera
Who have you known the longest of your friends? Charlotte
Who's the shyest: Sadie
Are you close to any family members? kinda
When you cried the most: during my time of the month
What's the best feeling in the world: being loved
Worst Feeling: seeing someone you love hurting
Let's walk on the: grass with bare feet
Let's run through: mudd
Let's look at the: sunset laying in the grass
What a nice: ass boy...
Where did all the: moonshine run too
Why can't you: just laugh and kiss my ass
Silly, little: turd nugget
Tell me: that you love me
Ran away from home: yes
Pictured your crush naked: crush..naw boyfriend and i see that he is
Skipped school: plenty of times
Broken someone's heart: yeah...
Been in love: i am currently with to many men
Cried when someone died: ah...yes
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yup plenty of times
Done something embarrassing: god yes
Done a drug: prescription drugs
Cried in school: oh yeah
Your Good Luck Charm:
Person You Hate Most: a girl name whitney
Best Thing That Has Happened: meeting Mike
Ice Cream: cookie dough or chocolate
WHO Makes you laugh the most: lots of people
Makes you smile: thinking about you?? jk
Has A Crush On You: mike my boyfriend
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: my boyfriend
Fallen for your best friend?: nope
Made out with JUST a friend?: nope..he tried to though
Kissed two people in the same day?: nope
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: yah
Been rejected: . yeah
Been in love?: yeah
Been used?: yeah
Done something you regret?: dont get me started
Cheated on someone?: yeah
Been called a tease: oh boy yes...i am a good tease
You touched?: my mom goodnight
You talked to on the phone?: sera
You hugged?: my dad
You instant messaged?: carl strickland
You kissed?: mike
You yelled at?: my parents
Who text messaged you?: mike
Who broke your heart?: no one
Who told you they loved you?: mike,parentsinput type='hidden' name='question70