Thich Nat Hanh
lately...Brazilian Girls, Fuyija and Miyagi, Feist, Peter Bjorn and John, but Dangus Kahn is forever in my heart. Oh yes aaand...Pantalones Must Die.
Shawshank Redemption, Amelie, The Big Lebowski, American Beauty, Almost Famous, Harold and Kumar/Whitecastle, Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail, any Indiana Jones movies-- I'm such a dork, Truman Show, Pleasantville, Help, O brother where art thou?, The life Aquatic, The Royal Tenenbaums, Donnie Darko, The Incredibles, Eating Raoul, Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind....so much more....
Planet Earth
The Dharma Bums,any Dr.Seuss, Thich Nat Hanh.
People that are filled with love and compassion and act with love and compassion.