Eskalators profile picture


About Me

we take you up, down, and back up again.

email: [email protected] for booking

get monthly emails about our musical exploits:

My Interests


Member Since: 26/09/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: ERIC: president of enforcing band practice

PETE: president of being the band

ALEX: president of making chili/buying expensive pizza

GUIA: president of staying in the band/complaining about practice

CHRIS: president of real drums/kicking guia out of the band

MARK: president of complaining about irrelevant details

JANELLE: president of getting us sponsored

SEAN: president of samba btw. songs

DAN, WEN-JAY: co-presidents of not coming to the first month of practices

SANJI: president of "no it's not a keytar"

MELISSA: president of actually playing keyboard

MARIA: president of rain stick

AMANDA: president of actually paying attention and playing well

DAVIDE: president of italy (also president of getting money for nothing and chicks for free)

BEN: president of being not as good as the 4 year old that plays hank williams on the accordion.

KATE: president of quitting the band when she realizes that it's actually ska

ANNMARIE: president musically sawing your face off

NINA: president of hello kitty accessories

ROSE and ZIMMY: presidents of toothaches

JUAN: president of asking to be removed from our mailing list

JEN: president of mimes

MATT: president of brother that falls into grill

PAUL: president of saying he is in our band and getting in for free and getting drink discounts

MARIE WITH NO ANN: president of not being annmarie or maria, but having a similar name, also official shampooer of band member mates' hair

SOME OTHER PEOPLE: president of playing something at one of our shows one time

YOU: if you can make it to practice on Sundays around 2pm
Influences: noah britton, mitch hedberg
Sounds Like: your backyard, plus or minus some cops.the subway:

Subway Show 4 from Flipswitch on Vimeo .

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

More memories of Subway Show 5

These are great pictures of the globe round robin action: 21126167110/July may be somewhat quiet, but August will explode with our new EP!  And mayb...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Jul 2009 11:32:00 GMT

what up canada!

Subway Show 5 was a huge success, the other bands were flawless and overpoweringly amazing, and we weren't so bad ourselves.  Here's someone in Canada that likes us:
Posted by on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 18:43:00 GMT

2 new songs!

FUTURE FIRE:Let's build a house, on shakey groundand laugh when it falls apartLet's build our lives on well dressed liesand laugh when it breaks our heartsBut then somebody asked mewhat's the point of...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Apr 2009 22:46:00 GMT


Andrew Roddewig was kind enough to cut together footage that he shot along with Jonathan Rotberg into a Handjobs? video.  Not that kind of video kids, a music video!
Posted by on Tue, 21 Apr 2009 22:11:00 GMT

plus two more I forgot=famous

We are one step closer to brunch everyday! music/rock_of__all__ages_165052.htmhttp://blogs.villagevoice .com/music/archives/new_yorkers/the_eskalators/...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Apr 2009 20:47:00 GMT

people like us? rs/in other languages too!
Posted by on Mon, 20 Apr 2009 17:33:00 GMT

Great press from Joe Greathearn

Eskalators mentioned in New York Magazine! Joe does so many great things for us, how can we ever repay him?  We'll shout him out when we do that tour ...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Mar 2009 07:17:00 GMT

Lyrics for 2 new songs

For anyone paying attention, here they is:CATS AND DOGS, LIVING TOGETHERGreen skyred birdsyellow lights and nonsense wordswe're making this all upas we go alongLook upyou'll seea fighter plane from th...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 20:32:00 GMT

Flyer of the Year! (so far)

Congratulations to Amanda and whoever helped her! er_of_the_ye.php
Posted by on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 21:00:00 GMT


Joe said I should post our lyrics up on Myspace, and though they used to be up as part of the player, Myspace got all stupid (as it always does) and now I don't think they have that feature anymore. ...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 17:11:00 GMT