I have a lot of interests, or so I'm told. Most anything to do with video and sound production is extremely fun for me. I also enjoy having fun. Seriously, I do. I also enjoy being me.
Cool people, old friends, old acquaintances, people that I don't yet know who aren't morons, etc.
*--- Click to view all of my awesome friends. ---*
Yes, I enjoy music. But not the kind you like, cuz it sucks.
I like movies. Curiously, they need to be entertaining in order for me to appreciate them. I will not list all of the movies I like here, as that would bore the piss out of you and I'm sure you're not wearing your Depends undergarment at the moment. Plus, I can't possibly remember them all off of the top of my head.
I don't watch much TV. And when I do, I am sad.
I do not read books since I never learned how to read. I did read the very last page of the very last Hairy Potter book that belonged to my niece, however. It was stupid. I'm glad I am illiterate.
My heroes? I've never been in a situation where my life needed saving, so no heroes yet.